Prudential 2021 ESG Report Impact and Prudential’s Impact and Responsible Investing group was formed in 1976, an early testament Responsible Investing to the Company’s deeply ingrained purpose-driven culture and commitment to social Impact Investing Highlights responsibility. Over this time, the unit has invested over $2.9 billion for Prudential’s General • Provided $3.5 million in pre-development Account and The Prudential Foundation to support innovative solutions creating economic and social mobility for underserved populations globally. loans to help build equitable arts-themed Prudential is an original signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management — a communities in Newark, NJ, in partnership set of nine principles that serve as a framework for the design and implementation of impact with the New Jersey Performing Arts Center investing management systems. These principles were launched by the International Finance and The Newark Museum. • Invested a total of $36 million into two Corporation to provide further transparency and greater discipline in impact investing. designated Opportunity Zones in North Prudential’s IRI portfolio encompasses approximately $1.2 billion in investments in partners Carolina to repurpose a brown昀椀eld site into and projects that tackle pressing societal issues, such as 昀椀nancial inclusion, affordable a mixed-use transit-oriented development housing, education and preparing workers for jobs of the future. and signi昀椀cantly renovate an older vintage workforce housing community in a high The Billion-Dollar Breakdown opportunity area. • Committed a total of $15 million into two (as of 12/31/2021) education and skills investment funds. 4% Owl Ventures invests globally in tech- 32% enabled transformative companies that Sustainability & Resiliency Financial Inclusion: make access to high-quality education Investments Access to affordable banking Sustainability projects that and other 昀椀nancial services and training affordable available for all. preserve and protect equitable Renovus invests in companies focused access to natural resources on educational services and workforce 9% $1B 23% Outcomes Financing & Transformative Developments: readiness. Impact Innovation Quality places to live and work Advancing the 昀椀eld of in underserved areas impact investing 16% 16% Affordable Housing: Education & Skills: Includes bringing services Training programs and connections and opportunities to residents to next-generation quality jobs Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 44

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