Prudential 2021 ESG Report Financial Education Thousands of employers choose Prudential to be and Engagement their rock for 昀椀nancial wellness. According to the Employee Bene昀椀t Research Institute, 90% of employers • Analytics demonstrated that individuals using Prudential’s 昀椀nancial have developed or are planning to develop a 昀椀nancial wellness strategy wellness services become more likely to take positive 昀椀nancial actions for their workforce. These strategies address employees’ holistic 昀椀nancial such as increasing their retirement contributions. needs including, managing healthcare costs, planning for retirement, • Prudential began providing 昀椀nancial wellness services to Veterans budgeting, and reducing debt. served by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. In 2015, Prudential was one of the 昀椀rst 昀椀nancial services 昀椀rms to Prudential will continue to expand its 昀椀nancial wellness offerings and build turnkey 昀椀nancial wellness programs to help employers improve broaden and deepen the adoption of these services to help Prudential their employees’ 昀椀nancial health and complement their existing health ful昀椀ll its purpose to solve the 昀椀nancial challenges of our changing world. wellness programs. Today, Prudential offers a market-leading suite of 昀椀nancial wellness capabilities including multi-channel live 昀椀nancial education via seminar and one-on-one formats, digital content and tools, access to 昀椀nancial advisors, and solutions for key 昀椀nancial needs 2,500+ 100+ including student loan management, caregiving support, and general Organizations had access to Plan design changes were debt management to its institutional clients and other organizations. Prudential's 昀椀nancial wellness adopted to improve employees’ In 2021, Prudential’s 昀椀nancial wellness services were available services 昀椀nancial wellness to more than 39 million individuals and 2,500 organizations. Other 2021 highlights include: • More than 60,000 individuals attended at least one 昀椀nancial wellness 60,000+ 88% education seminar hosted by Prudential, which represented a 88% increase compared to the number of seminar attendees in 2020. Individuals attended at Increase in number of seminar • Prudential expanded its offering to address caregiving needs and least one 昀椀nancial wellness attendees from 2020 introduced a consultative tool for retirement plan sponsors that education seminar in 2021 contributed to more than 100 plan design changes and/or solutions adopted by retirement plans to improve employees’ 昀椀nancial wellness. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 43

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