Prudential 2021 ESG Report Local Community Impact Addressing Youth Unemployment in Brazil Prudential’s skills-based volunteer program — PruBono and Board In 2021, as part of the Company’s $180 million opportunity youth Service — helps to strengthen the capacity and resiliency of our local commitment, Prudential launched a new initiative in Brazil called community partners. Employees donate their time and talent to support Jovens Para o Futuro to address youth unemployment rates and help nonpro昀椀t organizations and small businesses to address critical young people obtain the right skills for a quality job. Prudential is challenges in the areas of business strategy, operations, marketing, supporting 昀椀ve local community-based organizations that are training data and 昀椀nancial analysis and human resource. In 2021, the programs young people in digital skills, smartphone maintenance, robotics and helped advance Prudential’s racial equity commitments by focusing on more. One organization, CIEDS, is speci昀椀cally working with students nonpro昀椀t organizations and small businesses held by women and people with disabilities for apprenticeship roles at Prudential do Brasil. In of color. The COVID-19 pandemic and systemic barriers negatively December 2021, Prudential do Brasil welcomed 13 apprentices impacted the sustainability of both groups. Although programs were with disabilities who are working in operations, compliance, human conducted virtually in 2021, there was an increase in demand from resources, risk, franchising, strategic partnerships and marketing employees and community partners requesting PruBono support. through 2023. 2021 PruBono and Board Service Results 222 42 6,628 $1,573,712 Employees engaged from Nonpro昀椀ts and small businesses Hours in four pro bono Dollar value of pro bono 10 business locations engaged from 11 locations opportunities service delivered Nonpro昀椀t Impact 83% 38% 49% 21% Of organizations increased their Increased their revenue Increased their reach or impact Reduced cost effectiveness Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 42

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