Prudential 2021 ESG Report Reporting Guidelines Prudential’s annual ESG Report illustrates the Company’s purpose and covers the period of January 1– December 31, 2021. As appropriate, signi昀椀cant developments occurring in early 2022 may be referenced and will be more fully developed in subsequent reports. The report addresses the parent company, wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures comprising U.S. and international subsidiaries’ operations. The report re昀氀ects no material changes from the previous period in boundaries. Prior to release, the ESG Report is reviewed by Prudential executives representing all the Company’s businesses and corporate center functions, including law, governance, ethics and compliance, regulatory reporting, risk and 昀椀nancial management. The Greenhouse Gas Emissions data is externally veri昀椀ed. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the most widely accepted Disclosures (TCFD) In 2015, the United Nation (UN) member states adopted the framework for sustainability reporting. This document has been prepared In June 2017, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a better future for in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. The preparation (TCFD) released its 昀椀nal recommendations for disclosing climate-related all while leaving no one behind. This global call to action includes ending of this report considered all GRI Principles for sustainability reporting, 昀椀nancial information. The core elements of the recommendations are: poverty and hunger, climate action, affordable and clean energy and including guidelines for Principles for De昀椀ning Report Content and Report reducing inequalities. The SDG framework unites society, governments Quality. The process for de昀椀ning content and boundaries re昀氀ects the • Governance around climate-related risks and opportunities and the business community to foster positive change. Prudential Company’s previous reporting practices, feedback from stakeholders and • Strategy about the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks embedded the SDGs where relevant in this report. For example, the 2021 discussions with internal subject matter experts. Prudential’s GRI Index and opportunities green bond issuance aligned with SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy is located in the Appendix section of this report. and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. • Risk management process used by the organization to identify, assess, and manage climate-related risks For additional information, please review the Green Bond Report on our Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) • Metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate- investor relations homepage. In October 2018, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board published related risks and opportunities 77 industry-speci昀椀c standards to assist companies with disclosing material For further details, please review the TCFD Index on our website. information. This report includes aspects of the Insurance Sustainability Accounting Standard. SASB standards are designed to identify a minimum set of sustainability issues most likely to impact the operating performance or 昀椀nancial condition of the typical company in an industry, regardless of location. These disclosures are included on our website. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 58

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