Prudential 2021 ESG Report Stakeholder Engagement (continued) STAKEHOLDER GROUP IDENTIFIED ENGAGEMENT ACTION Community leaders, Neighbors, and • Virtual meetings, calls, social media, and events with local leaders, neighbors, Pro bono employee engagements with 42 nonpro昀椀ts and small businesses. Non-Governmental Organizations NGOs, and advocacy groups (NGOs) • Board memberships • Financial support • Employee volunteering • Pro Bono consulting National and local government • Virtual meetings, conference calls, lobbying activities, industry associations, Informing and advising in the public policy arena on a wide range of of昀椀cials located in the U.S. and public policy forums and press conferences issues that are important to the Company’s shareholders, customers, and abroad • Membership on government councils and committees employees including, addressing 昀椀nancial fragility, promoting retirement savings and guaranteed lifetime income, and increasing workforce development and sustainability. U.S. state, federal and international • Meetings, conferences, lobbying activities, industry associations, public policy Increased industry engagement through Geneva Association, Ceres, NAIC, regulators forums and press conferences and NYDFS. Suppliers, vendors and business • Prudential Ethics Help Line Prudential received an A- CDP Supply Chain Rating. Sixty-nine percent of partners • In-person meetings, calls, conferences, and workshops our top suppliers disclosed climate-related risks. • Vendor Registration Portal and related websites Thought leaders and advocates • Board memberships PGIM Quantitative Solutions released research paper “Top-Down Portfolio in issue areas related to 昀椀nancial • Virtual meetings, conference calls Implications of Climate Change.” services • Group calls and meetings • Industry groups, roundtables, workshops and events • Working groups • Joint projects • Responses to ESG surveys from ratings 昀椀rms and CDP Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 57

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