Prudential 2021 ESG Report Stakeholder Engagement Proactive engagement with stakeholders supports Prudential’s achievement of its purpose and long-term vitality by encouraging learning and increasing transparency. In general terms, Prudential’s stakeholders include: STAKEHOLDER GROUP IDENTIFIED ENGAGEMENT ACTION Shareholders and Institutional • Annual Report, Proxy Statement and Sustainability Report The Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee receives Investors • Press releases environmental sustainability brie昀椀ngs at least quarterly and the full Board • Webcasts and conference calls was briefed on Prudential’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions strategy. • Financial services conferences • Proxy voting • Communications with Investor Relations, Corporate Governance Teams and the Board of Directors • Annual Meeting and Investor Days • Responses to ESG surveys from ratings 昀椀rms and CDP Customers (both individual and • Digital interface The Zero Paper aspiration will advance digital transformation, reduce institutional) • By telephone costs and improve the customer experience. Multiple initiatives are • Social media underway to advance the awareness of the current paper consumption and • Customer satisfaction surveys, customer focus groups, and net promoter scores to drive consistency, ef昀椀ciency and simpli昀椀cation across the Company’s • Assessment of 昀椀nancial data customer communications. Employees and Retirees • Performance management and development programs Global employee engagement survey, 昀椀elded across 24 countries, received • Annual Report, Proxy Statement, and Sustainability Reporting an 85% response rate in 2021. • Matching gifts program for employees • Business Resource Groups, Green Teams, and Volunteer Councils • Company intranet • Prudential Ethics Help Line • Employee surveys Environmental Stakeholders • Ceres Company Network Prudential announced intention to achieve net-zero emissions across its • Ceres Investor Network primary global home of昀椀ce operations by 2050, with an interim goal of • CDP Supply Chain member becoming carbon neutral by 2040. • U.S. Green Building Council • Urban Land Institute’s Greenpoint Center for Building Performance — Performance Committee • The PRI • U.S. EPA’s Energy Star Program Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 56

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