Prudential 2021 ESG Report Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment (continued) Resiliency Preparation Goals Status Expand our public policy • PGIM’s paper, Weathering Climate Change, proposes a climate Goals Status Continue strengthening our • Identi昀椀ed 昀氀ood risk for the Newark, New Jersey properties. engagement to support topics change agenda for institutional investors that encompasses both business continuation activities aligned with the Global hidden portfolio vulnerabilities and potential opportunities in the Environmental Commitment transition to a lower carbon world. Invest in long term businesses • Hired engineering 昀椀rms to develop decarbonization capital plan for Become a go-to provider for • PGIM Quantitative Solutions, PGIM Fixed Income, Jennison and projects that support two Newark, New Jersey-based Prudential of昀椀ce properties. resiliency thought leadership on sustainable Associates and PGIM Real Estate (PGIM asset managers) are investing strategies Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) signatories. • PGIM Real Estate 昀椀nanced more than $9.5 billion in loans secured Engagement & Education Invest or grant dollars to companies and organizations by properties with green certi昀椀cations, including ENERGY STAR Goals Status that change public perception labels. More than 60% of our af昀椀liated investors’ of昀椀ce portfolio is • Green Teams hosted a virtual Earth Day and beach cleanup in toward a more environmentally green certi昀椀ed (as of 12/31/2021) demonstrating a commitment to Create robust employee responsible society sustainable loan production. engagement opportunities to Monmouth, New Jersey. creatively and consistently • Removed vending machines to reduce plastic bottle use in all communicate the importance of Newark, New Jersey properties. environmental sustainability • Implementing responsible cafeteria waste reduction activities in two Newark, New Jersey owned properties. • Engaged 100% of top vendors to complete the CDP Supply Chain Commit to engaging 100% of our top vendors to support progress survey resulting in 69% participation. toward the Global Environmental Commitment Invite 100% of our top vendors to report on climate change KPIs by 2022 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 55

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