Prudential 2021 ESG Report Board Oversight Environmental Sustainability Human Capital Management Strategic Risk Cybersecurity Risk Environmental Sustainability is overseen by the The Board believes that human capital The Board oversees the Company’s risk pro昀椀le The Board oversees cybersecurity risk through Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee and management and succession planning, including and management’s processes for assessing the Company’s Information Risk and Resilience Prudential’s Board of Directors. The Company’s inclusion and diversity, are paramount to the and managing risk, through both the full Board program. This program includes a cyber incident sustainability strategy is led by Prudential’s senior Company’s success and are central to our long- and its committees. At least annually, the Board response plan that provides controls and leaders including Prudential’s Vice Chairman, who term strategy. Our Company’s Corporate Social reviews strategic risks and opportunities facing the procedures for timely and accurate reporting of leads the Company’s Climate Change Steering Responsibility Oversight Committee, composed of Company and its businesses. any material cybersecurity incident. Prudential Council that guides climate policy for the enterprise. Board members and Prudential senior executives, The Board’s Risk Committee includes the chairs has not had a material data security breach in The Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in addition to the full Board, evaluates the of each of the other Board committees as well as three years. The Audit Committee, which is tasked Committee discusses environmental sustainability, Company’s commitment to inclusion and diversity another independent director who serves as Chair with oversight of certain risk issues, including climate objectives and strategy at least quarterly. and actively suggests policy enhancements. The of the Committee. The Risk Committee receives cybersecurity, receives reports from the Chief This regular engagement gives the Board insight Board reviews the Company’s “people strategy” in reports from management on material and emerging Information Security Of昀椀cer, the Chief Information into the Company’s climate change strategy and support of its business strategy at least annually risk topics that are reviewed by the Company’s Of昀椀cer and the Global Head of Operational Risk environmental stewardship initiatives. In addition, and frequently discusses talent issues at its internal management committees. Additionally, the throughout the year. At least annually, the Board the full Board receives periodic brie昀椀ngs and meetings. This includes a detailed discussion Committee oversees the Company’s assessment and and the Audit Committee receive updates about education on core concepts and trends that impact of the Company’s global leadership bench and reporting of material risks by reviewing: the metrics the state of the Company’s cybersecurity program, our businesses and society as well as regular succession plans with a focus on key positions at used by management to quantify risk; applicable including results of exercises and response discussions in the Investment and Risk Committees. the senior of昀椀cer levels. More broadly, the Board risk limit structures and risk mitigation strategies; readiness assessments led by outside advisors who is regularly updated on key talent indicators for and the Company’s processes and procedures for provide a third-party independent assessment of the overall workforce, including diversity, recruiting our technical program and our internal response and development programs. risk assessment and risk management, including preparedness. The Audit Committee regularly briefs the related assumptions used across the businesses the full Board on these matters. The full Board and material risk types. also receives periodic brie昀椀ngs on cyber threats to In performing its oversight responsibilities, the enhance our Directors’ literacy on cyber issues. Board and its committees review policies and guidelines that senior management uses to manage the Company’s exposure to material categories of risk. As these issues sometimes overlap, Board committees hold joint meetings when appropriate and address certain issues at the full Board level. During 2021, the Risk Committee received updates from the Chief Risk Of昀椀cer on the important strategic issues and risks facing the Company. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 8

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