Prudential 2021 ESG Report Corporate Governance Prudential’s Board of Directors is committed to sound and effective independent. With oversight by the Corporate Governance and Business and Board Oversight corporate governance practices on behalf of our employees, Ethics Committee, the Board’s current composition is the result of a shareholders, customers and society. The Board’s oversight extends thoughtful process informed by the Board’s annual self-evaluation, which to Prudential’s corporate strategy, environmental sustainability, human is conducted by an independent third party, and feedback received from capital and corporate culture. In addition, three of our Board members sit the Company’s engagement with shareholders and other stakeholders. on the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Oversight Committee. Over the last seven years, the Board has undergone signi昀椀cant Director These Directors inform the Company’s social responsibility efforts in refreshment, and added 昀椀ve directors — all diverse. When evaluating investing for 昀椀nancial and social returns, strategic philanthropy, employee quali昀椀ed Board candidates, the Corporate Governance and Business engagement and corporate community involvement. Ethics Committee considers individuals who possess skills that align with Prudential’s current and long-term global business strategy. The Board Structure Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee also considers the Board’s composition in the context of the diverse communities and As re昀氀ected in our Corporate Governance Principles and Practices, our geographies we serve. We require a diverse candidate pool for all Director Board believes that strong, independent leadership is a critical aspect searches and evaluate a nominee’s experience, education, skills, gender, of effective corporate governance. Eleven of our 13 board members are race, ethnicity and other qualities in the context of the entire Board. BOARD DIVERSITY 82% 4 2 1 2 4 1 of our have worked are African- is Asian- are Hispanic are Women is LGBTQ+ non-employee directors are outside the American American diverse U.S. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 7

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