Prudential 2021 ESG Report Performance Highlights Operational Measures to Mitigate Climate Change As reported in Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment issued in December 2019, to minimize the waste impacts and paper consumption 14% In 2021 associated with doing business, the company will continue to prioritize initiatives such as participation in direct deposit, “householding” to reduce the Decrease in the company’s Prudential reduced the number of mailings or proxy materials going to the same household, and electronic delivery and completion of forms. When paper use is unavoidable, Scope 1 and 2 (MB) domestic footprint by Prudential seeks to partner with vendors who practice and supply paper that adheres to sustainable practices. emissions, compared consolidating data centers Reducing our reliance on paper to communicate to our customers is a priority. To advance the sustainability focus and our Zero Paper aspiration, to 2020. and closing several Prudential has teamed up with American Forests to plant trees to help with the reforestation of threatened or endangered ecosystems by planting domestic sites. 12,500 trees in Florida and Idaho in the summer of 2021. We continue to advance the awareness internally of our current paper consumption in customer communication, while accelerating initiatives that will drive digitization to reduce paper consumption and improve the customer experience. DocuSign is a tool Prudential leverages for the electronically sending and signing of contracts, invoices, account openings, both in the U.S. and In 2021 In 2021 internationally. The 昀椀rst account was set up in April 2016 and the tool is now leveraged throughout the organization. The environmental impact results Several LED upgrades were Prudential of Brazil (POB) were provided to Prudential from DocuSign and re昀氀ect total 昀椀gures for the Enterprise for 2021. The DocuSign service helped replace over 21 million completed, and unused moved the Home Of昀椀ce sheets of paper saving trees, water, CO2 and waste. of昀椀ce space was shut down to a LEED Gold certi昀椀ed 2021 Results: with lights turned off and building which features CO : 1,854,187 lbs Water: 2,325,962 Gallons 2 HVAC reduced. This helped ef昀椀cient energy and Waste: 128,367 lbs Wood: 2,370 Trees to reduce electricity usage by water consumption, uses To offset carbon emissions for U.S. employees’ business travel in 2020, Prudential and PGIM purchased high-quality carbon offsets from Natural 8% compared to 2020. recyclable materials and ® Capital Partners. The company earned CarbonNeutral business travel certi昀椀cation in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Carbon offsets are renewable energy. generated from independently veri昀椀ed projects including global renewable energy, land昀椀ll and gas capture, and forest conservation projects in, India, NY state, Brazil, and Mexico. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 51

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