Human Capital At JPMorgan Chase, our people are a key driver of our success in serving customers, clients and communities. It is through their ingenuity, excellence and integrity that we are able to build a prosperous business. As we navigate the INTRODUCTION ongoing challenges of a post-COVID 19 pandemic world and compete for the best talent in the marketplace, we are committed to fostering a work environment in which our people are supported, feel like they belong, and are able to ENVIRONMENTAL make an impact through their work. Our work environment is an important component of our human capital strategy. It focuses on investing in experiences across the employee life-cycle by attracting and retaining skilled talent, SOCIAL employee engagement, and supporting employees and their families in various life stages through our competitive JPMorgan Chase strives to attract and retain skilled and diverse talent, with over 290,000 employees around the world. Pictured: Jersey City, New Jersey total rewards portfolio. Feature: Our Racial Equity Commitment Attracting and Retaining Skilled, Diverse Talent 2022 EARLY CAREER RECRUITMENT PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS43 Inclusive Growth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion We strive to attract and recruit the best talent for all roles across the Firm in order to best serve our clients and cus- Approximately 4,600 Approximately 5,000 48% Human Capital tomers. Our goal is to maintain a diverse and inclusive workforce representing all aspects of diversity, including gen- der, ethnicity, military service, LGBTQ+ status and disabilities, refective of the communities in which we operate. We global summer interns, of which global full-time hires joined our Analyst of 2022 global summer intern approximately 72% received and and Associate hiring programs class identifed as women GOVERNANCE are focused on expanding talent pools through numerous programs and partnerships. When hiring new employees, we accepted returning ofers expect managers to consider a slate of candidates who bring a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and skill sets. APPENDICES EARLY CAREER TALENT Approximately 1,200 Approximately 200 Approximately 350 We believe in supporting students and early career talent as they embark on their professional careers and grow into Emerging Talent Software future leaders. We support the development of new talent through our formal Analyst and Associate hiring programs, hires through all Emerging Talent hires through the Emerging Talent Engineer Program hires recruited programs Apprenticeship programs from educational pipelines outside as well as through our Emerging Talent Programs, which aim to attract a wider range of talent either pre-college or of a traditional degree path without a university degree. By attracting a wider range of talent through these programs, we are able to introduce talent to the fnancial sector who may not typically have the opportunity to experience our industry, explore the possi- bility of a long-term career at the Firm, and support their development of life and professional skills for success in the workplace. By engaging with a broader and more diverse talent pool, we are able to extend opportunities beyond the traditional places where we historically looked for talent and seek to have a workforce that is more representative of the communities in which we serve. 43 Information on EEO race/ethnicity categories, gender, LGBTQ+, veteran status and disability status is based on self-identifcation and self-disclosure. Unless otherwise indicated, information on EEO race/ethnicity is presented as a percentage of the respective U.S.-based population who self-identifed race/ethnicity and information on gender is presented as a percentage of the respective global population who self-identifed gender; information on LGBTQ+, veteran status and disability status is presented as a percentage of the respective total U.S.-based population. 43

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