Message from Our Chairman The past year has required strength and resilience from so In a time of ongoing war, global sanctions and economic through the Firm’s $30 billion Racial Equity Commitment. Our many. It has also shown that the work we do at JPMorgan uncertainty we strive to help support energy security around commitment to advancing racial equity in the U.S. is a long- INTRODUCTION Chase matters. For the customers and clients of the Firm, our the globe, while also accelerating the development and transi- term journey for the Firm, and we are already thinking of work is impactful in good times—and is particularly important tion to afordable, reliable and lower-carbon energy solutions. what comes after the fve-year mark. Message from Our Chairman through challenging times. We strive to be resilient to crisis We recognize the signifcant economic and societal opportuni- Our people drive our success, and it is through their ingenu- Company at a Glance and to weather the pressure of each day while making strides ties associated with a successful transition to a low-carbon ity, excellence and integrity that we seek to build a prosper- Our Approach to ESG toward our long-term eforts at sustainable growth and bring- economy. In 2022, we continued to act on our goal to align ous business. We are investing in the future of the workplace, ing value to our shareholders. our fnancing of key sectors—Oil & Gas, Electric Power and focusing on well-being and frm culture, and embarking on Feature: $2.5T Sustainable Development Target For over 200 years, JPMorgan Chase has worked to help our Auto Manufacturing—with the goals of the Paris Agreement, construction of our new global headquarters in Manhattan, employees, customers and communities turn their aspirations and have established three new sectoral goals for Iron & planned to be a zero-emissions building with state-of-the-art ENVIRONMENTAL into realities. Our longstanding commitment to integrity, fair- Steel, Cement and Aviation. We are targeting $1 trillion by the space for our employees. ness and responsibility continues to guide our work today as end of 2030—as part of an overall $2.5 trillion sustainable Our work has seldom been more challenging, or more SOCIAL we help to power the global economy. development target—to advance renewable energy and other important, than the last several years. JPMorgan Chase This year’s ESG Report explains how we leverage our business innovative technologies. And we are minimizing the environ- employees, over 290,000 of us, persevere with a grace and GOVERNANCE and expertise to help address economic and societal chal- mental impact of our physical operations across thousands of fortitude that makes me proud. In this year’s ESG report, I lenges, primarily by supporting our clients and providing tar- branches, as well as our data centers and corporate ofces. invite you to read about the work we do to remain resilient APPENDICES geted capital to contribute to an inclusive, sustainable econ- Our business is stronger when our economy is more inclusive. and forge meaningful progress. omy. We pursue these initiatives because we truly believe it is We are striving to advance economic inclusion around the right for our customer and communities, not to chase the lat- world, including our eforts to help close the racial wealth gap Jamie Dimon Chairman & CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co. est fads or trends. among Black, Hispanic and Latino communities in the U.S. April 2023 2

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