Investing in Employee Development Helping our employees advance their skills and professional development is important to our human capital strategy. We invest in our employees’ development through a robust suite of training, leadership development, upskilling and reskilling programs, mentorship initiatives, and performance evaluations. TRAINING We seek to train our employees with the skills needed for today and tomorrow. We prepared our new hire employees for their roles with approximately 34 hours of learning on average over their frst 90 days, and tenured employees take an INTRODUCTION average of approximately 10 hours of voluntary training annually. Employees consumed training in a variety of ways. Over 60% of training was self-paced, and almost 35% was via virtual classroom. The remainder was facilitated in a traditional ENVIRONMENTAL classroom setting. Overall, in 2022, employees completed over 9.7 million courses and over 7.9 million hours of training. Leadership Day training, New York, New York is one example of how the Firm helps employees advance their skills and professional development. Employees Firmwide are required to complete training on topics such as culture and conduct, anti-money laundering, SOCIAL privacy and data protection, cybersecurity and anti-corruption. They also have an opportunity to enhance their skills through training across a range of professional, business, digital and technology topics. CASE STUDY AFGHAN MENTORING PROGRAM Feature: Our Racial Equity Commitment Following the evacuation of Kabul in August 2021, hundreds of Afghans who had supported the U.K. and coalition Armed Inclusive Growth UPSKILLING AND RESKILLING Forces were resettled to the U.K. under the Government led Operation New Hope. The Firm’s Ofce of Military and Veterans Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Upskilling and reskilling our existing employees—who already know our culture and are committed to our company—is an Afairs has been working with the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence and associated partners to ofer U.K.-based Afghan’s employ- Human Capital efective and efcient way to have the talent we need to thrive now and into the future. Just as importantly, it is one of ability mentoring. 27 employees have been paired with Afghan’s and have supported them in fnding opportunities in the the best ways we can advance our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. For example, many of our Firm’s front- U.K. employment market. One of the mentees joined the Firm’s Military Transition Program in February 2023. GOVERNANCE line and entry-level employees, who largely identify as women and diverse, are most likely to be afected by technologi- cal disruption. By taking proactive steps to create meaningful and accessible opportunities for career mobility, we can LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT APPENDICES mitigate the risk of losing legacy talent, and continue our eforts toward a more diverse and representative workforce. Leadership Edge seeks to develop and inspire world-class managers and executives to drive a culture of inclusion, empowerment To help employees understand the skills they need to advance their careers at the Firm, we ofer programs and training and growth, so employees can reach their full potential and deliver value for our Firm. In 2022, Leadership Edge launched a to help employees develop their own learning journey to support career growth and development. Approximately refreshed curriculum focused on eight manager capabilities which defne what it is to be a manager at the Firm. The capabilities 90,000 employees have leveraged the Firm’s internal Capabilities Model that provides learning recommendations for include building teams; driving performance; prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion; and guiding careers. During the year, upskilling and reskilling. approximately 14,400 individual managers and executives participated in Leadership Edge initiatives, engaging through both We further support employee development with enhanced education benefts, ofering funding for bachelors, masters instructor-led programs and digital, self-paced content. and certifcation programs to eligible employees. In the U.S., we ofer a catalog of over 500 bachelors, masters, and In 2022, we also continued to maintain a focus on our talent management and succession planning process. The human certifcation programs, including 18 fully funded programs. The programs support employees in acquiring skills for the resources team actively engages with senior leaders to discuss key talent, internal succession and the development of our roles they are in today and prepare employees to take on new opportunities at the Firm. Of the more than 9,000 leadership pipeline. employees who enrolled in our education benefts in 2022, 78% are associate level or below, 50% identify as women, 62% identify as ethnically diverse and 48% of participants have experienced career mobility during 2022. 45

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