CASE STUDY EXECUTIVE SPONSORSHIP FOR SENIOR WOMEN LEADERS IN LATIN AMERICA AND CANADA Executive Director (“ED”) Sponsorship is designed for ED woman talent working at the Firm in Latin America and Canada. The program is meant to create an environment where female ED talent have exposure to senior manage- ment and opportunities to further develop skills in personal brand, self-promotion, networking and more, helping participants expand their breadth and depth of contribution and value in the organization, with sponsorship as a key component. Since the program’s launch in 2018, we have had 100% retention of program participants and more than half of the participants have achieved promotion to Managing Director. INTRODUCTION PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL We use an annual Firmwide performance review process to help employees grow and to evaluate how they support our culture, business success, client/customer needs, and DEI initiatives. Employees are assessed on both results (“what”) SOCIAL and behaviors (“how”) on four Firmwide Performance Dimensions and expectations for their level: Business Results; Cli- ent/Customer/ Stakeholder; Teamwork and Leadership; and Risks, Controls, and Conduct. Feature: Our Racial Equity Commitment Inclusive Growth Fostering Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Providing a frst-class employee experience is important to our human capital strategy. This includes engaging our Human Capital employees in strengthening our culture and business, providing allyship for our diverse employee populations, and lis- tening and responding to employee experiences and ideas. GOVERNANCE We also support employees’ drive to help strengthen their communities by facilitating skills-based volunteering oppor- Employees gather at one of the Commercial Banking team’s volunteer opportunities, Los Angeles, California. APPENDICES tunities. The Firm provides one day of paid time of for volunteer and employee engagement activities from Firm-spon- sored events to outside activities that are meaningful to our employees. We also provide paid time of to vote in any national, state or municipal election to support our employee’s civic engagement. The results of our annual Employee Opinion Survey, which are reviewed by senior leadership for potential program improvements, had an 87% participation rate in 2022. 46

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