SUPPORT AND ALLYSHIP FOR DIVERSE EMPLOYEE POPULATIONS EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERISM BRGs are one way we engage and support our employees in helping us build a Through a suite of skills-based volunteering programs serving nonprofts, small Inclusive of skills-based volunteerism, our employees engaged in local volunteerism diverse and equitable culture in which everyone feels welcome (see page 40). We business entrepreneurs, and young people, we support our employees’ desire to outside of the workplace through GoodWorks, an employee-led volunteerism pro- have 10 BRGs with employee members across 57 countries, and more than half of help their communities and further our philanthropic mission, while providing gram. In 2022, our employees committed approximately 398,000 hours of time to our employees are a member of at least one BRG. The BRGs complement the Cen- opportunities for them to apply and expand their skills. causes they are passionate about, including fnancial literacy programming, packing ters of Excellence (page 40) to strengthen our internal culture of respect, equity of fortifed meals and medical kits, upcycling furniture, providing disaster relief In 2022, our programs designed for nonproft organizations—Service Corps, Board and inclusion, and raise the visibility of the communities they represent. through satellite mapping and clothing aid, and much more. Service, and Force for Good—engaged more than 4,200 employees globally to Our BRGs include: address specifc organizational challenges and opportunities facing our community • Access Ability: Maximizing the contributions of employees afected by disabili- partners. As a frm, we recognize that serving on a nonproft board is one of the INTRODUCTION ties, long-term illness or caregiving responsibilities. most signifcant commitments our employees make. Since 2018, our Board Service program has successfully placed approximately 400 employees on nonproft boards ENVIRONMENTAL • Adelante: Empowering Hispanic and Latino employees to identify and pursue around the world. In addition, our Board Match program has provided fnancial sup- opportunities for career development and community involvement. port to nonprofts with qualifying employees serving on the board. SOCIAL • AsPIRE: Enhancing the professional development and leadership opportunities Another of our social innovation and skill-based volunteerism programs is Force for Feature: Our Racial Equity of employees of Asian and Pacifc-Islander heritage. Good, which connects teams of JPMorgan Chase technology and data employees to Commitment build scalable and sustainable tech-based solutions for nonprofts around the world. • BOLD: Providing employees, specifcally those of African descent, with an empow- Inclusive Growth Through this program, we empower our employees to use their technology skills to ering environment that focuses on professional and personal development. make a positive impact on communities and help build the next generation of tech- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion • NEXTGEN: Engaging early career professionals to network, build relationships Human Capital nology talent. In 2022, nearly 1,300 JPMorgan Chase employees built tech-based across all business levels and groups, and promote career development. solutions for more than 150 nonprofts across fve global regions as part of Force GOVERNANCE • PRIDE: Engaging and supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender employ- for Good, impacting more than one million constituents and addressing issues including hunger, access to education, lack of shelter, animal welfare, climate ees, as well as Allies and management, in promoting an inclusive environment. Employees gather during the Firm’s Seventh Annual Employee Appreciation Week, New York, New York. APPENDICES change and gender rights. • Sage: Encouraging and remaining committed to personal and professional The Firm's commitment to skills-based volunteerism and service is also exemplifed development, while sharing valuable information. CASE STUDY EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION WEEK by the Legal Department's global pro bono program. Regional networks of Legal • VETS: Identifying and advocating for opportunities that will keep the Firm as an Department employees organize and mobilize colleagues to participate in both In 2022, we held our seventh annual Employee Appreciation Week, industry leader while deepening its commitment to veteran families. in-person and virtual events focused on immigration, criminal justice, employment which comprised of a series of special speakers, volunteering events, opportunities, education, housing and human services, among others. Additionally, • WOTM: Providing a collaborative forum and access to tools that support the suc- and fun and wellness events. The Firm held over 1,000 local events the Legal Department's unique Fellowship program provides one member of the cessful retention, development and advancement of women at all levels of the Firm. department per year with the opportunity to volunteer for 3–6 months with a non- across 220 ofces globally. • Working Families Network: Promoting knowledge sharing and providing net- proft or legal services provider to further support our communities in a more mean- working opportunities to support employees with work and family integration. ingful and targeted way—while still continuing on as a full-time employee of the Firm. 47

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