Supporting and Rewarding Our People we take action to address it. We are proud of the overall diversity of our work- force. However, we also know that women and ethnically diverse employees still JPMorgan Chase provides market-competitive compensation and benefts programs are not represented in as many senior management positions as are men and to our employees. The Firm’s compensation philosophy includes guiding principles White employees. We are taking a variety of actions focused on making progress that drive compensation-related decisions across all levels of the Firm. We believe toward our goals in the areas of hiring, retaining, developing and advancing our compensation philosophy promotes an equitable and well-governed approach to women and ethnically diverse employees, especially at more senior levels. compensation, which includes pay-for-performance practices that attract and retain top talent in a competitive market, is responsive to and aligned with shareholders’ FINANCIAL HEALTH PROGRAMS expectations and reinforces our culture and Business Principles, including the inte- gration of risk, controls and conduct considerations. The Firm’s commitment to We believe that fnancial health is an important part of people’s overall well-be- INTRODUCTION ing, and we ofer a wide range of benefts and programs to help employees build diversity, equity and inclusion for all employees includes compensation review pro- a fnancially secure future. We ofer a myriad of fnancial well-being resources, cesses that seek to ensure that the Firm’s employees are paid fairly and competi- ENVIRONMENTAL education sessions, a Financial Wellness Assessment and unlimited one-on-one tively for the work they do. 250,000 participants in 15 locations around the world join the J.P.Morgan Corporate Challenge. Pictured: London, U.K. We continue to increase wages for our full- and part-time U.S. hourly paid employ- fnancial coaching with Certifed Financial Planners (“CFPs®”). SOCIAL ees. As of December 2022, we raised minimum base pay for U.S. overtime-eligible HEALTH PROGRAMS Feature: Our Racial Equity employees to between $20 and $25 per hour, depending on location. This is in addi- Supporting Employees and Their Commitment tion to the benefts package the Firm ofers that is valued, on average, at approxi- We ofer health care benefts for employees and their families. In 2022, we covered Families Across Life Stages mately $16,000 per employee for this population. approximately $1.4 billion in medical costs for employees and their families. Inclusive Growth At JPMorgan Chase, we support our people and provide them with comprehensive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion We also encourage our employees to focus on their well-being and make healthy health care programs and well-being benefts. That is why we are continually PAY EQUITY choices a priority. For example, we ofer biometric wellness screening and online Human Capital investing in and exploring ways to improve health outcomes and strengthen our wellness assessments for employees and their covered spouses/domestic partners. We are committed to fair compensation for our employees. We conduct periodic pay beneft oferings. JPMorgan Chase ofers an extensive benefts and wellness pack- In 2022, approximately 70% of enrolled employees and over 60% of enrolled GOVERNANCE equity reviews that include employees at all levels within the Firm. In 2022, taking age to employees and their families, including healthcare coverage, retirement spouses/domestic partners completed both of these assessments. Additionally, we into account factors such as an employee's role, tenure, seniority and geography, in benefts, life and disability insurance, onsite health and wellness centers, have onsite Health and Wellness Centers in 24 U.S. locations and 34 onsite health APPENDICES aggregate, those who self-identifed as women globally were paid 99% of what men employee assistance programs, competitive vacation and leave policies, backup clinics across our other global locations. were paid. In 2022, in the U.S., employees who self-identifed as other than White child care arrangements, tuition reimbursement programs, counseling and We are also focused on supporting our employees’ mental health. We are building a under EEO Commission classifcations were paid, as a group, 100% of what employ- resources related to mental health, and fnancial coaching. We direct a greater ees who self-identifed as White were paid—meaning there were no statistically sig- portion of our benefts spend toward lower-wage earners in the form of lower workplace that increases awareness of mental health, educates employees and pro- nifcant diferences in pay as between the two groups, taking into account factors payroll contributions and lower deductibles in the Medical Plan and a $750 special vides support when people need it. All employees have access to confdential coun- seling and support through our Employee Assistance Program. such as an employee’s role, tenure, seniority and geography. Pay equity reviews award in 2022 to employees earning less than $60,000. In addition, we continue give us important insights, but they are just a starting point. If we identify individu- to make enhancements to our Medical Plan focused on afordability and access to In 2022, we received the 2022 Best Employers: Excellence in Health & Well-being als with compensation that is less than expected, we dig deeper. Where appropriate, health care services and prescription medication for all. Award from the Business Group on Health for demonstrating our strong commit- ment to advancing the well-being of our employees through comprehensive, innova- tive benefts and initiatives. 48

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