List of Acronyms ABP Advancing Black Pathways - DEI Center of Excellence EEO Equal Employment Opportunity NDPE No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation AHL Advancing Hispanics & Latinos - DEI Center of Excellence ESG Environmental, Social and Governance NGO Non-Governmental Organization INTRODUCTION AI Artifcial Intelligence EV Electric Vehicle NMTC New Market Tax Credit AMI Area Median Income e-waste Electronic waste NZE Net Zero by 2050 Scenario ENVIRONMENTAL API Asian & Pacifc Islander FMCG Fast moving consumer goods OC Operating Committee AWM Asset & Wealth Management FSC Forest Stewardship Council ODI Ofce of Disability Inclusion - DEI Center of Excellence SOCIAL BRGs Business Resource Groups GHG Greenhouse Gas PEFC Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifcation CAF Carbon Assessment Framework GMSC Global Markets Sustainability Center PPAs Power Purchase Agreements GOVERNANCE CAO Chief Administrative Ofcer GREC Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporation RECs Renewable Energy Certifcates CB Commercial Banking GRI Global Reporting Initiative RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil APPENDICES CCB Consumer & Community Banking GSS Green, Social and Sustainable (Bonds) SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board CCT Center for Carbon Transition HAF San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund SDGs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals List of Acronyms CDFI Community Development Financial Institutions HBCUs Historically Black Colleges and Universities SEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Global Reporting Initiative Index CEO Chief Executive Ofcer IEA International Energy Agency SFI Sustainable Forestry Initiative CFC National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation IPO Initial Public Ofering SOAR Southern Opportunity and Resilience Fund Sustainability Accounting CFO Chief Financial Ofcer JPM DFI J.P. Morgan Development Finance Institution SPCP Special Purpose Credit Program Standards Board Index CIB Corporate & Investment Bank JPMAM J.P. Morgan Asset Management TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Prohibited Activities and Sensitive CIC Climate Impact Contribution JRE Japan Renewable Energy Corporation TFI The Fellowship Initiative Sectors Activities and Locations CIO Chief Investment Ofce LIHTC Low Income Housing Tax Credit TNC The Nature Conservancy CMDC Compensation & Management Development Committee LMI Low-to-Moderate Income TNFD Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures CO2 Carbon Dioxide LOB Line of Business U.K. United Kingdom CRO Chief Risk Ofcer M&A Merger and Acquisition U.S. United States DEI Diversity, Equity & Inclusion MAP Miami Afordability Project UPHPA Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act DFSA Development Finance Structuring Agent MDIs Minority Depository Institutions WEO World Energy Outlook E&S Environmental and Social mtCO2e Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent WOTM Women on the Move - DEI Center of Excellence EACs Energy Attribute Certifcates MW Megawatt 62

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