Global Reporting Indicator Disclosure Title Source Indicator Disclosure Title Source GRI 2: GENERAL DISCLOSURES (2021) 2-10 Nomination and selection of the 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 20–21) highest governance body Initiative Index 2-1 Organizational details 2022 Form 10-K (p. 1, 33) 22 ESG Report (p. 3–4) 2-11 Chair of the highest governance 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 3, 5, 22–23) 20 body Who We Are 2-12 Role of the highest governance 2022 Form 10-K (p. 81–84) 2-2 E ntities included in the organiza- 2022 Form 10-K (p. 1) body in overseeing the manage- We identifed the following GRI topics as related to our key ESG topics: economic tion’s sustainability reporting ment of impacts 2022 ESG Report (p. 51) 2022 ESG Report (p. 3–4) 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 28–31) performance, indirect economic impacts, anti-corruption, anti-competitive behavior, INTRODUCTION energy, water and efuents, emissions, biodiversity, employment, training and edu- 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and 2022 ESG Report (p. 4) 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for contact point 2022 ESG Report (p. 14–16, 40–42, 47, cation, diversity and equal opportunity, human rights assessment, local communi- Note: Reporting frequency is annually, and aligns to the managing impacts 51–52, 56) ties, public policy, product portfolio, audit, active ownership, marketing and label- Firm’s fnancial reporting period. ENVIRONMENTAL 2-14 Role of the highest governance Note: Our Corporate Sustainability team, which is led by ing, customer privacy and socioeconomic compliance. Contact points: the Global Head of Sustainability who reports to the Global Sustainability body in sustainability reporting Head of Corporate Responsibility, oversees the develop- SOCIAL The index below includes GRI indicators that are relevant to our business. Unless ment of our sustainability reporting. Investor Relations otherwise noted, all data and descriptions apply to our entire Firm and are as of or 2-15 Conficts of interest Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE 2-4 Restatements of information 22 ESG Report (p. 8, footnote 1 1) for the year ended December 31, 2022. 20 Corporate Governance Principles 2-5 External assurance Note: We did not seek external assurance for the contents 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 13–18, 34–35) APPENDICES Source Key of this report. 2-16 Communication of critical Corporate Governance Principles 2-6 Activities, value chain, and other 2022 ESG Report (p. 3, 25–27, 33–37) concerns List of Acronyms business relationships 2022 Form 10-K 2022 ESG Report 2022 Form 10-K (p. 33, 44, 61–80) Global Reporting Initiative Index 2-17 Collective knowledge of the 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 27) 2022 Climate Report Human Rights Statement Suppliers highest governance body Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Index Who We Are Code of Conduct Modern Slavery Act Statement 2-18 Evaluation of the performance of 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 27) Prohibited Activities and Sensitive Note: JPMorgan Chase does business with over 19,000 the highest governance body Code of Ethics for Finance Professionals 2023 Proxy Statement suppliers globally across a wide range of product/service Sectors Activities and Locations categories. Our third-party vendor spend is spread across categories such as real estate, professional services, tech- 2-19 Remuneration policies 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 32–80) Corporate Governance Principles Weblinks nology, marketing, document production, printing, ship- ping and travel, among others. Environmental Data 2-20 Process to determine 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 32–80) 2-7 Employees 2022 ESG Report (p. 39) remuneration 20 22 Form 10-K (p. 2) 2-21 Annual total compensation ratio 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 78) 2-9 Governance structure and Corporate Governance Principles 2-22 Statement on sustainable devel- composition 2022 ESG Report (p. 2) 2022 ESG Report (p. 51) opment strategy 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 5, 10, 12–19, 24–26) 63

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