Promoting Environmental Sustainability Advancing sustainability is not only about helping the environment, it is also about improving the communities we serve. Persistent changes in global climate patterns and associated extreme weather events present risks to customers, communities and clients. Risks like these threaten personal safety and can cause costly damage to properties, house- holds, and businesses. We believe in the power of communities, governments and business to implement the low-car- bon energy transition as an important part of inclusive economic growth. JPMorgan Chase is pursuing projects that include helping individuals and communities build climate resilience in housing and urban spaces, fostering an inclusive approach to climate and energy innovation and small businesses, and equipping diverse populations to acquire the training and skills needed to access and thrive in future job opportunities. Our commitment to racial equity and inclu- INTRODUCTION sive growth are important themes in each of the highlighted areas below. The Firm supports nonprofts working to test and scale innovative models to increase the supply of energy efcient homes. Pictured: Rancho Cucamonga, California ENVIRONMENTAL 2022 HIGHLIGHTS SOCIAL Building community resilience to the efects of climate change: Strategic philanthropy is an important way we sup- CASE STUDY BUILDING SKILLS FOR UNDERSERVED PEOPLE IN MADRID TO ACCESS GREEN JOBS port organizations and communities that are advancing climate resilience across the globe. The Firm supports entities Feature: Our Racial Equity like the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center and their launch of the Cool Capital The energy transition can create new jobs for communities, but work is needed to connect job seekers with opportunities Commitment Stack, an initiative to mobilize capital for projects that protect people from climate-driven extreme heat, particularly and to ensure that individuals have the skills needed to succeed in them. In Madrid, one of our grantees, Fundación Konecta, Inclusive Growth the most vulnerable communities, in 12 cities around the world. Additionally, our support for the American Council for works with young people from underserved backgrounds to prepare them for these emerging job opportunities. Fundación Diversity, Equity and Inclusion an Energy Efcient Economy is designed to enable the organization to provide technical assistance to governments and Konecta trains young people to excel in career pathways in renewable energy, infrastructure, waste management, construc- Human Capital NGOs for advancing energy efciency investments in afordable housing. And at the neighborhood level, we support tion, and water management, and provides job placement support to connect them with concrete opportunities. They are community-based organizations like Northeast Houston Redevelopment Council in building green infrastructure, like planning to train 200 participants during the 2-year program, launched in 2022, to fnd employment in the green economy. GOVERNANCE community gardens and rainwater catchment systems, and ofering disaster preparedness education. Supporting innovation at the intersection of sustainable and afordable housing: In October 2022, JPMorgan Chase CASE STUDY TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF PRAGMATIC ENERGY LEADERS APPENDICES announced a commitment of $15 million in philanthropic capital to fve organizations, as part of our $400 million fve- year commitment to improve housing afordability and stability for households of color. The grants are focused on help- Market forces, technological advances, and policy changes are bringing about a transformation of the energy landscape. ing to scale innovative climate resilient afordable housing models within communities in Rio Grande Valley, TX; Bufalo, Energy sector leaders have identifed the need to learn new skills and integrate new solutions into the existing energy sys- NY; Washington D.C.; Miami-Dade County, FL; and Inland Empire, CA. tem to confront these challenges and chart a course to a low-carbon future. JPMorgan Chase supported Energy Leadership Institute’s EnGen executive leadership development program, which is designed to educate and engage mid- to senior-level leaders from all sectors of the energy industry to drive innovation and technological advancements toward net-zero 2050 goals. The 2023 cohort includes participants from varied backgrounds including oil and gas, renewable energy, academia, fnance, utility and the nonproft sector. 37

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