Inclusive Growth Our Firm believes that we are only as strong as the communi- HOW OUR FIRM IS MAKING AN IMPACT ties we serve and the economies they support. That is why INTRODUCTION JPMorgan Chase is helping build opportunities in neighbor- CASE STUDY SUPPORTING THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE hoods and communities across the U.S. and the globe. We Lending and investment capital ENVIRONMENTAL understand we can play a role in helping to drive local econo- As the war in Ukraine continues, a growing number of people have been left without access to basic needs mies, helping communities grow and building personal prosper- and millions of refugees and internally displaced individuals have fed their homes in Ukraine. To support SOCIAL ity. This is particularly important during challenging times. As humanitarian relief eforts in Ukraine, JPMorgan Chase committed up to $10 million in philanthropic capi- Philanthropic capital we navigate through economic instability, war, climate change tal in 2022, including more than $1.5 million in employee matching donations, the largest disaster giving Feature: Our Racial Equity and the long-term efects of the pandemic, we continue to help campaign in the Firm’s history. Our commitment supports a number of organizations working to provide Commitment build a more sustainable, inclusive economy. Our eforts are emergency food, housing and medical services to those in need, including working with select humanitar- Inclusive Growth focused where we believe we can leverage our business and ian relief organizations such as International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, Polska Akcja Policy expertise and advancement, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion expertise to create meaningful impact, including through: led by JPMorgan Chase’s PolicyCenter Humanitarna, UNICEF and World Central Kitchen. Human Capital • Building careers and skills As part of our commitment, we provided $5 million to support the Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Hotel • Fueling business growth and entrepreneurship Data insights and analytics, led by Industry as they worked to provide temporary shelter for over 1,400 refugees in Poland through access to GOVERNANCE • Catalyzing community development hotel rooms, as well as information and guidance on access to other assistance including medical care, child- the JPMorgan Chase Institute • Strengthening fnancial health and wealth creation care and longer-term housing, in coordination with member hotels, nonprofts and local governments. APPENDICES • Promoting environmental sustainability within our The Firm’s support also reaches beyond our philanthropic eforts. We ofered 50 Ukrainian refugees the communities Skills and talents of our employees opportunity to join a work and training program focused on upskilling people displaced by the war to work We are bringing the reach and expertise of our Firm to take in areas including fnance, human resources and operations in our Warsaw ofce. on these challenges, using the power of our businesses com- JPMorgan Chase continues to monitor the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine to consider how we can best bined with philanthropic capital, data-driven insights and pol- deploy our resources to meet growing and changing needs in the region. icy expertise. Underpinning and informing all these eforts is our Firm’s commitment to DEI and sustainable development. 30

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