Our Journey and The Road Ahead The Firm’s commitment to community revitalization and underserved and low-income households did not begin with the Racial Equity Commitment. Rather, the Racial Equity Commitment was born out of years of leveraging our resources to uplift customers and communities. These experiences include our eforts in Detroit following its bankruptcy, the implementation of our AdvancingCities program across the globe, and the formation of our PolicyCenter to develop evidence-based policy solutions to expand inclusive economic opportunity. Our history of advancing equity has positioned our Firm to execute the complex, multi-faceted $30 billion commitment. INTRODUCTION As our Firm progresses in its commitment, we have realized that this journey is ongoing and will not be limited to fve years. Rather, our work over the past two years has served as a catalyst to realize even more opportunities to advance ENVIRONMENTAL racial equity. Our commitment to closing the racial wealth gap will remain, no matter what headwinds and economic uncertainties we face. SOCIAL We continue to see innovations born out of the Racial Equity Commitment. As announced in February 2021, our Empow- ering Change program provides Minority Depository Institutions exclusive distribution rights to J.P. Morgan’s suite of Feature: Our Racial Equity institutional money market funds through the creation of the Empower share class. This approach provides these insti- Commitment tutions with a recurring revenue opportunity and amplifes their ability to deliver ongoing positive change in their com- Inclusive Growth munities. At the same time, corporate investors can support the socioeconomic goals of minority- and diverse-led Diversity, Equity and Inclusion fnancial institutions. It is an innovation that helps support DEI goals of corporate investors and lifts those who have Human Capital historically been left behind. In two years, our Firm has nearly met its initial $30 billion commitment toward advancing racial equity. Yet, we are GOVERNANCE aware of the work that remains, both in meeting each of our individual commitments, and for our country as a whole. For this reason, we are committed to continuing this work and measuring its outcomes to help advance lasting racial APPENDICES equity and make meaningful contributions to closing the racial wealth gap. By providing fnancial tools, products, and services, the Firm aims to help close the racial wealth gap, consistent with our belief that our business is stronger when our economy is more inclusive. Chase Community Branches such as this Little Havana location in Miami, Florida, help improve access to banking services. 29

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