Feature: $2.5T Sustainable Development Target e Target refects the Firm’s global, diversifed franchise, incorporating activity across We believe creating sustainable economic growth is important to the long-term Th strength and vibrancy of the global economy, as well as to the health and prosperity both our retail and wholesale banking segments. We are focused on areas where we INTRODUCTION of people and communities around the world. As a global fnancial institution, we are believe our capabilities and expertise can help advance sustainable and inclusive leveraging our capabilities to provide capital and e xpertise for our clients and cus- growth around the world. We also prioritize topics that are important to our stakehold- Message from Our Chairman tomers to support economic growth and address key global challenges. In 2021, we ers, including customers and clients, employees, communities and shareholders. Company at a Glance set our Sustainable Development Target (the “Target”) with the goal to fnance and In developing the Target's criteria and methodology, we also took into account inter- Our Approach to ESG facilitate more than $2.5 trillion over 10 years—from 2021 through the end of 2030— national best practices and industry standards, such as the SDGs, the International to advance long-term solutions that address climate change and contribute to sus- Capital Market Association’s Green and Social Bond Principles, and the International Feature: $2.5T Sustainable tainable development. Our end-of-2030 goal corresponds with the timeframe we set Development Target Finance Corporation’s Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring system. to meet our initial emission intensity reduction targets within our fnancing portfolio ENVIRONMENTAL (see page 17), as well as the timeframe set by the United Nations for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The Target aims to grow and SOCIAL strengthen our business activities across three important objectives—Green, Devel- opment Finance and Community Development—and, at the same time, highlight the GOVERNANCE work we’re doing through our lines of businesses and Racial Equity Commitment. APPENDICES Green Development Finance Community Development Aiming to drive climate action, clean energy, Working to support socioeconomic develop- Striving to advance economic inclusion in devel- and sustainable resource management, with a ment in emerging economies, with a focus on oped markets, with a focus in the United States on focus on accelerating the deployment of solu- mobilizing capital to advance the United Low-to-Moderate Income individuals and commu- tions for cleaner sources of energy and facili- Nations Sustainable Development Goals. nities and closing the racial wealth gap among tating the transition to a low-carbon economy. Black, Hispanic and Latino individuals and com- We are targeting $1 trillion toward this area by munities. This includes many of the actions we are the end of 2030. taking as part of our Racial Equity Commitment. The Firm supports solutions that help address climate change and contribute to sustainable development. Pictured: Dallas, Texas 6

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