ESG eforts are also spearheaded by several teams across the Firm, with some examples including: The Ofce of the Secretary is responsible for partnership with senior management, control groups, LOBs and corpo- rate groups to promote efective governance of the Firm. It works closely with the Board of Directors on ESG matters, including responding to shareholder proposals. The Ofce of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is responsible for leading the development and implementation of the Firm’s strategy to enhance DEI within the Firm and support underserved communities. This includes advancing programs and initiatives that incorporate a diversity lens into how the Firm develops products and services, serves clients, helps com- munities and supports employees. The Corporate Responsibility team is responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating community and philan- INTRODUCTION thropic programs that aim to open new pathways to economic opportunity for individuals, provide actionable insight to civic and community leaders, and protect the environment. It is composed of Government Relations, Public Engage- ENVIRONMENTAL ment, Corporate Sustainability, Global Philanthropy and Research and Policy teams. The Corporate Sustainability team is responsible for providing advice across the Firm and its LOBs on its approach to managing ESG matters, including SOCIAL supporting the development of sustainability- and climate-focused business strategies and fnancing opportunities, engaging with stakeholders and policy-makers, and facilitating external ESG- and Climate-related reporting. GOVERNANCE The ESG Investor Relations team is responsible for engaging with the investor community on the Firm’s ESG strategy, Corporate Governance & disclosures and performance, and then providing strategic intelligence and advice to senior management and the Board ESG Oversight on investor views. Stakeholder Engagement The Chief Administrative Ofce (“CAO”) provides multiple global services that support the day-to-day operations of Political Engagement and the Firm’s businesses. The CAO includes the Operational Sustainability team, responsible for the Firm’s carbon man- Public Policy agement strategy and for coordinating the implementation of operational sustainability eforts across the corporate Managing Environmental and functions; the Global Real Estate team, responsible for the deployment of onsite renewable energy, implementation of Social Risks energy efciency and water use minimization measures; and the Supplier Sustainability Team, responsible for provid- Human Rights ing oversight of the Firm’s supply chain with respect to ESG matters, including on environmental sustainability matters. Employees participating in the Asian Leadership Forum, New York, New York. Data Privacy & Cybersecurity The Independent Risk Management function establishes the Firm’s risk management frameworks. It also reviews and Business Ethics challenges risks identifed by the LOBs and Corporate. The Global Environmental and Social Risk Management team establishes the Firm’s policies, standards, and processes for certain E&S risks that outline the approach for consistent APPENDICES identifcation, escalation and management of transactions and activities that may present certain increase in such risks. The Climate Risk team’s responsibilities include establishing the Firm’s framework and strategy for managing climate risk, setting climate risk policies, standards and processes and establishing our climate risk data strategy. 52

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