Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 159 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Nominations Committee report (continued) Following Anna’s appointment to ExCo on Marc’s appointment reflects our Composition 23 February 2022, and prior to her taking commitment to strengthening the Board up her role as Group Finance Director on through the addition of further highly Regularly reviewing Board, Board respected individuals with recent and 23 April 2022, the Board was made aware Committee and ExCo composition of the Over-issuance of Securities. Anna relevant financial experience, in is a key responsibility of the was very much 'new in role' as our Group accordance with our skills-based Committee. Through frequently considering the skills, experience, Finance Director, and took a leading role in recruitment priorities. knowledge and diversity required the management and resolution of this for these roles, as well as the annual matter throughout the course of 2022, Board effectiveness evaluation (as Appointment of Sir John Kingman alongside our Group Chief Executive and outlined further below), the other members of his leadership team. As Committee is able to refresh its a Board, we would like to recognise the thinking on Board, Board hard work and dedication that Anna has Committee and ExCo composition shown through this challenging period. and establish a timeline for any proposed appointments. Changes to Board composition in You can find biographies for each Director, 2022: Non-Executive Directors + including details of the skills, experience and Robert Berry was appointed as a Non- knowledge they bring to the Board, and their Board Committee memberships and other Executive Director on 8 February 2022, Sir John Kingman will take up his role principal appointments on pages 143 to 146. and as Chair of the Board Risk Committee as a Non-Executive Director with and a member of the Board Audit effect from 1 June 2023. He will Committee with effect from 1 March 2022. Changes to Board composition in succeed Crawford Gillies as Chair of Robert brings significant skills and BBUKPLC upon taking up his 2022: Group Finance Director experience to the Board and to the appointment, subject to regulatory As reported above, Tushar Morzaria important role of Chair of the Board Risk approval. stepped down from the Board on 22 April Committee. He has extensive risk 2022 and was succeeded by Anna Cross, Sir John has a deep background in management experience, having worked in who took up the role of Group Finance financial services, gained from his the financial services industry for the Director and became an Executive executive and non-executive career, entirety of his 32-year career. The majority Director with effect from 23 April 2022, and will bring invaluable skills and of Robert’s career was spent with Goldman having joined ExCo on 23 February 2022. experience to the Board, and to the Sachs, where he became a Partner in 2008 Anna brings significant skills and Board of BBUKPLC. His experience and then Co-Deputy Chief Risk Officer in experience to the Board, as set out in her spans the public and private sector, 2016, prior to his retirement as a Partner at biography on page 144. Anna joined the with his former roles including senior the end of 2018. Following his retirement, Group in 2013 and held the role of Deputy positions at HM Treasury, as the first Robert was retained as an Advisory Group Finance Director from July 2020 Chief Executive of UK Financial Director with Goldman Sachs, remaining as until April 2022. Before that, she held the Investments Ltd (UKFI), and as Global a member of its Enterprise Risk role of Group Financial Controller, prior to Co-Head of the Financial Institutions Committee, during the period from which she was the Chief Financial Officer Group at Rothschild. Sir John is January 2019 to December 2019. for BBUKPLC. A qualified chartered currently Chair of Legal & General accountant, Anna has worked in both Group plc, and stepped down as Chair Changes to Board composition in banking and retail and previously held of Tesco Bank on 22 January 2023. 2023: Non-Executive Directors finance roles at leading financial and retail We welcomed Marc Moses to the Board as institutions. a Non-Executive Director and a member In considering Anna’s appointment, the of both the Board Audit Committee and Committee – and the Board – took into Board Risk Committee on 23 January account a number of factors, including her 2023. expanded leadership and commercial Marc brings a strong technical finance experience through her appointment as background with a deep knowledge of Deputy Group Finance Director. The banking and financial services. His financial Committee and the Board also had regard services experience extends to over 43 to the stability that Anna’s appointment as years in the industry, initially as a trader and an internal candidate would bring to the then in senior executive roles as an Audit Group’s key stakeholder groups, in Partner at PwC, and Chief Financial Officer particular shareholders, colleagues, and of JPMorgan Europe. He joined HSBC in customers/clients. 2005, and prior to retiring in 2019, was the Group Chief Risk Officer and an Executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc. Since formally retiring from HSBC, Marc has remained active, undertaking advisory work for start-ups and he is currently acting as advisor to a fintech company.

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