Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 160 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Nominations Committee report (continued) Changes to Board Committee Changes to Board Committee Board size composition in 2022 composition in early 2023 As at 31 December 2022, the size of the Board, following the appointments of The Committee oversaw changes in Board As reported above, Julia Wilson will Robert Berry and Anna Cross, and the Committee composition in 2022, as succeed Mike Ashley as Chair of the Board resignation of Tushar Morzaria, was 13. outlined below. Audit Committee with effect from 1 April 2023, subject to regulatory approval. Julia With the appointment of Marc Moses on Board Risk Committee will also take on the role of Group 23 January 2023, the size of the Board Having chaired the Board Risk Committee Whistleblowers' Champion in her capacity increased to 14. Following the retirement for eight years, Tim Breedon retired from as Chair of the Board Audit Committee. of Mike Ashley from the Board at the that Committee on 28 February 2022. conclusion of our 2023 AGM, the Julia joined the Board Audit Committee on Robert Berry succeeded Tim as Chair of retirement of Crawford Gillies (subject to her appointment to the Board in April the Board Risk Committee on 1 March re-election at the AGM) shortly thereafter 2021. Her time as a member of the 2022. on 31 May 2023 and the appointment of Committee, together with her experience Julia Wilson was appointed as a member of Sir John Kingman on 1 June 2023, the size as former Group Finance Director at 3i the Board Risk Committee with effect of the Board will return to 13. Group plc and Chair of the Audit from 1 September 2022. Committee of Legal & General Group plc The Committee continues to consider Board Nominations Committee make her well-placed to take up this Board size as part of both its medium- and Tim Breedon retired from the Board important role. longer-term succession planning. The Nominations Committee on 28 February Committee remains confident that the You can read more about Julia, and the skills and 2022. Mike Ashley and Crawford Gillies size of the Board remains effective, taking + experience she will bring to the role of Board Audit retired from the Board Nominations into account the need to be small enough Committee Chair, in her biography on page 146. Committee with effect from 1 September to operate in an efficient and collaborative Marc Moses was appointed as a member 2022. manner but large enough to have an of both the Board Audit Committee and appropriate mix of skills and diversity and We welcomed Julia Wilson and Mohamed Board Risk Committee upon his to support succession planning, as well as A. El-Erian as additional members of the appointment as a Non-Executive Director the additional roles and responsibilities of Board Nominations Committee on 1 on 23 January 2023, as reported above. some of our Directors on Board September 2022. Committees, and on the Boards of BBPLC, The Board is grateful to Tim, Mike and BBUKPLC, Barclays US LLC, BX and Crawford for their valuable contribution to Barclays Europe. these Committees during their respective memberships. Board composition as at 31 December 2022 b Length of tenure (Chairman and Non-Executive Directors) Industry and leadership experience (number of Directors) (number of Directors) Financial services 4 13 Political/Regulatory experience 2 8 Current/Recent Chair/CEO 3 10 Accountancy/ 2 Auditing 4 a Operations/ n 0-3 years n 3-6 years n 6-9 years n 9+ years Technology 1 Retail/ 2 Marketing c International experience (number of Directors) Notes a Please refer to page 166 in relation to the tenure and continued independence of Tim Breedon and Mike Ashley, who have served on the Board for more than nine years. International 11 (UK) b Individual Directors may fall into one or more categories. c International experience is based on the location of the headquarters/registered office of a International 8 company, excluding entities within the Barclays Group. (US) International 7 (Rest of the World)

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