Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 424 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2022 This section describes the Group’s significant policies and critical accounting estimates that relate to the financial statements and notes as a whole. If an accounting policy or a critical accounting estimate relates to a particular note, the accounting policy and/or critical accounting estimate is contained with the relevant note. 1 Significant accounting policies 1. Reporting entity Barclays PLC is a public company limited by shares registered in England under company number 48839, having its registered office at 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP. These financial statements are prepared for Barclays PLC and its subsidiaries (the Group) under Section 399 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail banking, credit cards, wholesale banking, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services. In addition, separate financial statements have been presented for the holding company. 2. Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards The consolidated financial statements of the Group, and the separate financial statements of Barclays PLC, have been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards. The consolidated financial statements of the Group, and the separate financial statements of Barclays PLC, have also been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), including interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee, as there are no applicable differences from IFRS as issued by the IASB for the periods presented. The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of the consolidated and separate financial statements are set out below, and in the relevant notes to the financial statements. These policies have been consistently applied. 3. Basis of preparation The consolidated and separate financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention modified to include the fair valuation of investment property, and particular financial instruments, to the extent required or permitted under IFRS as set out in the relevant accounting policies. These financial statements are stated in millions of Pounds Sterling (£m), the functional currency of Barclays PLC. The financial statements have been prepared for Barclays PLC and its subsidiaries (the Group) under Section 399 of the Companies Act 2006 as applicable to companies using IFRS. The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, as the Board is satisfied that the Group and the parent company have the resources to continue in business for a period of at least 12 months from approval of the financial statements. In making this assessment, the Board has considered a wide range of information relating to present and future conditions and includes a review of a working capital report (WCR). The WCR is used by the Board to assess the future performance of the Group and that it has the resources in place that are required to meet its ongoing regulatory requirements. The assessment is based upon business plans which contain future projections of profitability taken from the Group’s medium-term plan as well as projections of regulatory capital requirements and business funding needs. The WCR also includes an assessment of the impact of internally generated stress testing scenarios on the liquidity and capital requirement forecasts. The stress tests used were based upon an assessment of reasonably possible downside economic scenarios that the Group could experience. Further details are set out in the Viability statement on page 58. The WCR showed that the Group had sufficient capital and liquidity in place to support its future business requirements and remained above its regulatory minimum requirements in the stress scenarios. Accordingly, the Directors concluded that there was a reasonable expectation that the Group and parent company has adequate resources to continue as a going concern for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of the financial statements. 4. Accounting policies The Group prepares financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The Group’s significant accounting policies relating to specific financial statement items, together with a description of the accounting estimates and judgements that were critical to preparing those items, are set out under the relevant notes. Accounting policies that affect the financial statements as a whole are set out below. (i) Consolidation The Group applies IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements combine the financial statements of Barclays PLC and all its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are entities over which Barclays PLC has control. The Group has control over another entity when the Group has all of the following: 1)power over the relevant activities of the investee, for example through voting or other rights 2)exposure to, or rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and 3)the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. The assessment of control is based on the consideration of all facts and circumstances. The Group reassesses whether it controls an investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the three elements of control. Intra-group transactions and balances are eliminated on consolidation. Consistent accounting policies are used throughout the Group for the purposes of the consolidation. Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries are accounted for as equity transactions if they occur after control has already been obtained and they do not result in loss of control.

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