Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 421 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Parent company accounts Statement of comprehensive income 2022 2021 2020 For the year ended 31 December Notes £m £m £m 42 2,797 1,356 763 Dividends received from subsidiary Net interest (expense) (163) (161) (175) Other (expense)/ income 42 (654) 659 1,192 Impairment reversal/(charge) of investment in subsidiary 42 — 2,573 (2,573) Operating expenses (257) (160) (241) Profit/(loss) before tax 1,723 4,267 (1,034) Taxation 440 76 16 Profit/(loss) after tax 2,163 4,343 (1,018) Other comprehensive income — — — Total comprehensive income/(loss) 2,163 4,343 (1,018) Profit/(loss) after tax attributable to: Ordinary equity holders 1,258 3,539 (1,875) Other equity instrument holders 905 804 857 Profit/(loss) after tax 2,163 4,343 (1,018) Total comprehensive income/(loss) attributable to: Ordinary equity holders 1,258 3,539 (1,875) Other equity instrument holders 905 804 857 Total comprehensive income/(loss) 2,163 4,343 (1,018) For the year ended 31 December 2022, profit after tax was £2,163m (2021: £4,343m) and total comprehensive income was £2,163m (2021:£4,343m). The Company has 61 members of staff (2021: 65). Balance sheet 2022 2021 As at 31 December Notes £m £m Assets Investment in subsidiaries 42 64,544 62,528 Loans and advances to subsidiaries 23,628 22,072 42 Financial assets at fair value through the income statement 42 28,930 25,091 Derivative financial instruments 31 4 Other assets 402 68 Total assets 117,535 109,763 Liabilities Deposits at amortised cost 544 488 Debt securities in issue 42 24,086 25,658 Subordinated liabilities 42 11,230 9,301 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 42 22,971 16,319 Derivative financial instruments 42 906 43 Other liabilities 131 117 Total liabilities 59,868 51,926 Equity Called up share capital 28 3,968 4,188 Share premium account 28 405 348 Other equity instruments 28 13,250 12,241 Other reserves 788 555 Retained earnings 39,256 40,505 Total equity 57,667 57,837 Total liabilities and equity 117,535 109,763 The financial statements on pages 421 to 423 and the accompanying note on pages 517 to 518 were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 February 2023 and signed on its behalf by: Nigel Higgins C.S.Venkatakrishnan Anna Cross Group Chairman Group Chief Executive Group Finance Director

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