Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 81 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 1 Electrify our real estate portfolio and vehicles Replace our reliance on fossil fuels across our global real estate portfolio to work Reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions with renewable energy towards installing 10MW of on-site renewable We are also transitioning, where possible, to all- Improve efficiency electricity capacity by 2035. Factors such as In 2022, we also accelerated our commitment to electric technology to heat and cool our global We reduced our global real estate portfolio supply chain disruptions, material availability and source 100% renewable electricity for all our real estate portfolio such as our new air source energy consumption by 30% against a 2018 market volatility may impact the type of global real estate portfolio by 2025 and have heat pumps at our Glasgow Sustainability Centre. baseline. At the end of 2021, we launched an renewable energy projects we can support and achieved this ahead of schedule through As part of our commitment to Climate Group’s Energy Optimisation Programme to help improve a the speed of execution. instruments including green tariffs (59%) and EV100 initiative, we are transitioning our global the energy efficiency of our global real estate b Notes: energy attribute certificates (41%). fleet to electric vehicles. By the end of 2022, 55% portfolio. In the first 12 months of our five-year a Green tariffs are programmes in regulated electricity markets offered Our intent moving forward is to source by utilities that allow large commercial and industrial customers to buy of our UK fleet was converted to electric. To programme, we saved 6GWh of energy, bundled renewable electricity from a specific project through a special renewable electricity primarily from on-site support the programme, we also increased the equivalent to the annual electricity consumption utility tariff rate. renewable installations or from new renewable b Energy attribute certificates (EAC) are the official documentation to number of EV charging stations across our global of approximately 2,000 UK households. prove renewable energy procurement. Each EAC represents proof energy facilities that add clean energy to the grid locations, which as of the end of 2022 totals that 1 MWh of renewable energy has been produced and added to the We have also focused on our own data centres, for example via PPAs. In 2022, we installed solar grid. Global EAC standards for renewable claims are primarily approximately 500 stations. which consume a large amount of energy to Guarantees of Origin in Europe, RECs in North America and photovoltaic systems at our Pune and Glasgow International RECs (I-RECs) in a growing number of countries in Asia, operate. For example, we upgraded our cooling campuses and have planned more installations Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. systems at our Cranford, New Jersey data centre. In just four months this upgrade led to an This PPA will avoid approximately 30,000 Retail branches Power Purchase Agreements approximately 19% energy reduction for cooling tonnes of CO e per year. In addition, the Creag 2 In 2022, we procured 100% of all retail branch In February 2022, Barclays signed a 10-year PPA in alone, in comparison to the same period in 2021. Riabhach project is expected to provide social electricity from renewable sources and support of Barclays' goal of sourcing renewable We will continue to make investments in introduced electric mobile banking vans as and environmental benefits through new electricity to power our global real estate portfolio technology and systems to reduce the amount of part of our flexible ways of serving customers. by 2025. Through this PPA, Barclays will support employment opportunities within the local area energy we need to power our global real estate Creag Riabhach, an onshore wind farm project in and the Scottish economy, supporting a local portfolio. Scotland. community benefit fund, and establishing a riparian tree planting programme to promote Beginning in 2024 through to 2032, Barclays has soil conservation and habitat biodiversity. committed to purchase up to 160 GWh per year of Technology Office of Sustainability power from this new-build renewable power asset, Technology has an instrumental role to play which will meet approximately 80% of Barclays' in reducing operational emissions. For future electricity needs in the UK and enhance the example, data centres account for 29% of UK grid's renewable energy capacity. 160 GWh our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Barclays has of power Barclays has committed established a Technology Office of Sustainability responsible for integrating to purchase from the new-build sustainable practices and processes into renewable power asset technology hardware lifecycles, applications, data management and supply chain decisions. The new team helps identify infrastructure and application efficiency improvements, work with internal partners to manage building efficiencies and engage with technology suppliers to reduce supply chain footprint.

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