Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 80 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 1 Operational footprint dashboard Total GHG emissions by scope Total GHG emissions by scope (location- Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) GHG emission Scope 3 GHG inventory based) ‘000 tonnes CO e reductions (against a 2018 baseline) (market-based) ‘000 tonnes CO e 2 2 ('000 tonnes CO e) 2 Total Total 2022 2022 20.0△1.9△19.4△ 20.0△ 103.4△ 19.4△ △ 599.2 41.3 142.9△ △ Total Total -91% 23.2 13.6 2.4 23.2 124.2 2.4 2021 2021 39.2 149.8 4.6 Total Total Against a target of -90% 2020 2020 22.8 48.3 19.1 22.8 148.7 19.1 90.2 190.6 10.7 by the end of 2025 Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 (Business travel) n n n 2021: -86% Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 (Business travel) n n n 19.4△ 21.1 Renewable electricity sourcing for our GHG emissions intensity (market-based) Total energy use global real estate portfolio tonnes CO e/FTE (MWh) 2 Purchased Fuel and energy- Waste generated n n n goods and related activities in operations services 2022 2022 0.47△ 467,939△ △ Business travel Leased assets n n 100% 2021 0.48 559,241 2021 Against a target of 100% by the end of 2025 2020 2020 1.09 604,856 2021: 94% Other sustainability-related highlights Campus waste diverted On-site renewable electricity capacity installed Average energy use intensity across our Improve water efficiency across our global real estate portfolio (MW) corporate offices (kWh/m2/year) (%) 2022 2022 2022 0.26 265 65 Progress Progress Progress 86% By 2035 By 2035 10 115 90 By 2035 recycled water used at our Pune campus in 2022 Notes 1. For 2022, our Supply chain categories 1, 2 and 4 GHG emissions are reported on an aggregated basis under Category 1 and will be reported independently in due course. ESG Data Centre 2. Emission reductions and intensities have been reported using the market based methodology. 3. The reporting year for our GHG emissions is 1 October to 30 September. The methodology used for emissions calculation is the WRI/ WBCSD Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. We have adopted the operational See our ESG (non-financial) Data Centre for further details of our control approach on reporting boundaries. For more information, see the Barclays ESG Reporting Framework 2022 on our ESG Data Centre annual operational GHG emissions since 2018, including our Scope 4. For 2022, we have applied the latest emission factors as of 31st December 2022. We continuously review and update our performance data based on updated carbon emission factors, improvements in data quality 1, 2 and 3 business travel with location-based and market-based and updates to estimates previously applied. In 2022 prior year figures have been restated to reflect additional Scope 1 natural gas data that is now available for two of our large corporate offices. The restatement emissions data. As of 2022, we also detail our Scope 3 operational has been applied to all prior years to 2018. In addition, there is additional Scope 1 fuel data available for three locations globally that were not reported in prior years. We have also replaced estimated Scope 2 emissions. We further provide insights on our annual waste electricity data for select locations in the US with actual billing from utility providers that was not available at the time of reporting. Finally, corrections to Scope 2 electricity data in Switzerland & Netherlands have production, energy and water consumption and renewable taken place due to incorrect meter reads. All location and market-based figures are gross and do not include netted figures from carbon credits. 5. In 2022 we have disclosed additional Scope 3 categories which can be found in the ESG Data Centre. Our overall Scope 3 emissions have increased compared to prior years due to the additional disclosure. electricity consumption by country. 6. Campuses include 1 Churchill Place, Radbroke, Northampton, Glasgow, Pune, Whippany, 745 7th Avenue, Dryrock Our operational footprint data follows a reporting period of 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022 Further data granularity relating to our operational footprint can be Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub for further details: + found at: disclosures/ Further details of the data provided, including further granularity of decimal points can be found in the ESG Data Centre located within the ESG Resource Hub.

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