Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 79 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 1 Also, this year we evolved our energy use We intend to work towards the milestones of a Progress to date 2 intensity and on-site renewable energy reporting 115 kWh/m /year average energy use intensity We achieved our 90% GHG market-based approach to include our global real estate across our corporate offices and installing 10MW emissions reduction target for Scope 1 and 2, portfolio, beyond campuses. on-site renewable electricity capacity across our having reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by global real estate portfolio by 2035. 91% since 2018 and sourced 100% renewable a electricity for our global real estate portfolio in Our net zero operations approach 2022. We achieved our renewable electricity target Delivery year Scope 1 and 2 2022 Performance Scope 3 2022 Performance ahead of schedule by matching 100% of our 100% renewable electricity sourcing for all our Δ 100% electricity consumption with energy attribute global real estate portfolio b c certificates and green tariffs which we consider 70% of our suppliers, by addressable spend, to have 90% reduction for our Scope 1 and 2 GHG Δ i to be a transitional solution as we seek to science-based GHG emissions reduction targets in 47% 2025 -91% e emissions (market-based , against a 2018 baseline) increase the proportion of on-site renewable place electricity sources and Power Purchase 100% electric vehicles (EV) transition for UK 55% company cars Agreements (PPA). We intend to work towards the milestone of 90% of In 2022, we expanded our net zero operations 100% electric vehicles (EV) or ultra-low emissions our suppliers, by addressable spend, to have g approach to include our supply chain emissions 24% 47% vehicles (ULEV) for all company cars science-based GHG emissions reduction targets in as they account for the majority of our place 2030 operational emissions. We intend to work towards the milestone of 50% 50% reduction for our Scope 1 and 2 GHG Δ j Our supply chain emissions data is currently 8% GHG supply chain emissions reduction (against a -43% f emissions (location-based, against a 2018 baseline) indicative. We will continue to develop our 2018 baseline) 2 methodology and aim to improve the accuracy of We intend to work towards the milestone of 115 265 kWh/m /year 2 our supply chain data over time. In the interim, we kWh/m /year average energy use intensity across (-18% against 2018 g intend to work towards the milestone of a 50% our corporate offices baseline) Divert 90% of waste from the landfill, incineration 65% 2035 reduction in our supply chain emissions by 2030 and the environment across key campuses We intend to work towards the milestone of 10 MW 0.26MW (

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