Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 64 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 ESG-related reporting and disclosures ESG-related reporting and disclosures Our approach to ESG reporting is driven by recognised external standards and frameworks. As these frameworks evolve, we will continue to assess and amend our approach to ESG disclosures appropriately. The aim with our ESG-related disclosures within TCFD reporting and disclosures KPMG LLP Limited Assurance ESG Resource Hub Our climate-related financial disclosures are now Barclays appoints KPMG LLP to perform limited this Annual Report is to outline the progress we included within this Annual Report. The majority independent assurance over selected ESG have made over the past year on ESG criteria Barclays' ESG Resource Hub provides more of the content can be found in our new climate content, which have been marked with the detailed technical information, disclosures that we have identified as important to our and sustainability report in Part 2 in addition to and our position statements on symbol Δ. customers and clients, shareholders and the Other Governance section within the environmental, social and governance stakeholders. Barclays continues to support The assurance engagement was planned and Governance report and Risk review sections in matters. It is intended to be relevant for efforts for enhanced ESG reporting and performed in accordance with the International Part 3 of the report. analysts, ESG investors, rating agencies, advocates for improved consistency across Standard on Assurance Engagements (UK) 3000 suppliers, clients and all other stakeholders. For further details on where to access TCFD-related topics, disclosures, ratings and benchmarks. We support Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or + please see the TCFD content index on page 65. Further details can be found on the ESG Resource Hub the work of the International Sustainability Reviews of Historical Financial Information and + at: ESG Data Centre Standards Board (ISSB) and continue to the International Standard on Assurance Within the ESG Resource Hub, our ESG (non- participate in a range of regional and global Engagements 3410 Assurance of Greenhouse a financial) Data Centre continues to provide a UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) industry efforts to promote increased Gas Statements. A limited assurance opinion was central repository of all ESG-related data that is Barclays was one of the founding signatories of harmonisation on data, taxonomies and issued and is available at the website link below. published within the Barclays PLC Annual Report the UN PRB. We report annually on how we are disclosures. This includes details of the scope, reporting as well as additional information and granularity. implementing the Principles. ESG Additional Reporting Disclosures criteria, respective responsibilities, work Barclays provides additional disclosures within The Barclays PLC PRB Report 2022 can be found at: The ESG (non-financial) Data Centre can be accessed online performed, limitations and conclusion. No other + + within the ESG Resource Hub at: the ESG Resource Hub. This includes our information in this Annual Report has been and-disclosures/ sustainability/esg-resource-hub/reporting-and-disclosures/ reporting with reference to the material topics subject to this external limited assurance. Note from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Further details on Limited Assurance can be found at: a Re-named from ESG Data Hub to ESG Data Centre in 2022. Board (SASB) and the Global Reporting Initiative + and-disclosures/ (GRI). Our ESG-related disclosures: ESG disclosures Annual Report ESG-related reporting ESG data resources Other ESG resources Statements and policy positions Indices As ESG criteria have become increasingly Taskforce for Climate- Principles for Responsible ESG (non-financial) Data ESG Investor ESG Resource Hub - Statements Global Reporting Index embedded into what we do, for the 2022 related Financial Banking (PRB) Centre Presentations and policy positions (GRI) Barclays PLC Annual Report we have taken Disclosures (TCFD) Fair Pay report / UK Pay Limited Independent Sustainability the decision to further integrate our ESG- Recommendations Gaps report Assurance statement Accounting Standards related disclosures into relevant sections of Board (SASB) ESG-related disclosures (Tax) Country Snapshot Barclays' Sustainable Parts 1, 2 and 3 within the Annual Report. report Finance Framework To clearly signpost the location of our ESG- TM Board Diversity Policy BlueTrack Whitepaper related disclosures, we have included a detailed ESG Content Index within our ESG Diversity, Equity and Corporate Transition (non-financial) Data Centre. Inclusion report Forecast Model

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