Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 31 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our people and culture During 2022, we continued to embed the We further embedded hybrid working, with W Barclays Mindset, helped colleagues to adapt to colleagues spending a mix of time between hybrid working, supported colleague wellbeing Barclays' sites and at home. We provided support Empowering and made further progress against our diversity, and practical guidance to all people leaders equity and inclusion (DEI) ambitions. Through our seeking to ensure we were balancing the needs colleague listening survey, Your View, we saw of our colleagues, alongside those of our our colleagues improved scores across all our indices. customers and clients, as well as providing colleagues with the collaboration tools and We remain committed to attracting, developing technology we believe they need to succeed in a and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce. Our people and our culture are our greatest assets. hybrid environment. We continue to develop and Against a competitive hiring market, we hired We are committed to making Barclays a great place optimise our workspaces. 22,759 new colleagues into Barclays, and Our support for colleagues extends beyond the supported our colleagues into their next career to work, enabling colleagues to deliver strong tools and environment that we provide. We have moves through internal mobility, with 43% of evolved our Be Well programme to provide a results for our customers, clients, communities vacancies being filled by internal candidates. This holistic and inclusive perspective on wellbeing was in addition to welcoming 841 graduates, 1,190 and each other. which supports the needs of our diverse interns and 440 apprentices to Barclays workforce with a focus on: throughout 2022. To support colleague development, an average of 2.2 days/17 hours of • sustainable high performance: giving development and training was completed per colleagues the skills and knowledge to colleague in 2022, including enrolment of 1,035 enhance their physical and mental fitness; and colleagues in our flagship leadership development • supportive culture: building confidence to programmes (The Enterprise Leaders Summit, address stigma and offer support around Aspire and Strategic Leaders Programme). Mindset Indices mental health and other aspects of wellbeing We launched the Barclays Mindset in 2021, taking from financial welfare to the menopause. the best of what we learnt from our ways of working through the course of the pandemic, and sought to embed the behaviours (empower, 90% 85% 87% challenge and drive) into everyday working Empower Challenge Drive practices. In 2022, we formally incorporated this 2021: 87% 2021: 83% 2021: 84% into our hiring, performance management, reward and recognition frameworks. For further information on our Purpose and Values, please 2022 Your View survey + visit values/ 85% 92% 86% “I would recommend “I believe my team and I do Wellbeing Index Barclays to people I know a good job of role modelling 2021: 84% as a great place to work” our Mindset every day” 2021: 82% 2021: 89%

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