Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 43 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Society (continued) The programme focuses on including girls and Championing equality through sport Third party operational and Supporting our supply chain young people from lower socio-economic and At Barclays, we believe in creating opportunities reputational risk management a under-represented groups, including racially With nearly 9,000 companies coming from for all through access to football. In 2022, in Barclays must effectively manage, monitor and diverse communities, people with disabilities, and 28 countries supplying us, our supply chain partnership with Sported, we launched the mitigate risks in our supply chain. Our suppliers people from the LGBTQ+ community. helps our businesses deliver for our Barclays Community Football Fund which helps act on behalf of Barclays and we expect them to customers, clients and colleagues. With a target to support 5,500 community to reduce inequalities in football, with grants make responsible decisions that take our groups across the UK by 2025, the fund delivered available to groups that wish to start offering stakeholders’ needs into account in both the Though our businesses are geographically b support to over 2,000 organisations in 2022 – football, or expand their existing programmes to short and long term. We have therefore put diverse, more than 90% of our supplier engaging more than 268,800 young people in new, under-represented audiences. measures in place to encourage high standards of relationships are concentrated in the UK and the inclusive football activities. conduct and accessibility across our supply chain. US with many of them having their own extensive supply chains. Barclays expects suppliers to comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards within Our supply base is diverse across scale, the geographies in which they operate. Barclays’ ownership type and structure from privately-held Following their involvement in Unreasonable Lithium Urban Technologies: standard approach to new supplier on-boarding start-ups to publicly-listed multinational Impact, Lithium formed a partnership with Pioneering sustainable urban and renewal begins by assessing the services corporations. Barclays has sought to reduce the another Unreasonable Impact company, mobility that are being provided and ascertaining the level size of its supply chain over recent years and Fourth Partner Energy, to set up solar- of risk. Suppliers that are assessed as being at a while this has now stabilised, our focus continues Unreasonable Impact company Lithium Urban powered EV charging infrastructure across heightened risk from a business risk perspective to be on embedding preferred suppliers for Technologies is one of India’s largest electric India under a joint venture, laying the are subject to Barclays’ Supplier Control products and services that ensure adequate corporate transport services, operating a fleet groundwork for the company’s growth. Obligations (SCOs). geographical coverage and at the same time, of electric vehicles (EVs) that Lithium c create opportunities for diverse suppliers which estimates have cumulatively prevented more Suppliers to whom the SCOs apply become encompass small or medium-sized enterprises than 50,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide managed suppliers and are subject to ongoing d and diverse-owned businesses. equivalent (MtCO e) since 2015, and support management and controls assurance during the 2 ~50,000 businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. term of service. These suppliers are required to Please see further details on our requirements of external + suppliers at: Barclays is utilising vehicles from Lithium’s EV complete a pre-contractual questionnaire which requirements-of-external-suppliers/ metric tons of carbon dioxide fleet to transport colleagues to its offices in captures their adherence to the SCOs and equivalent prevented since 2015 Pune and Noida. Barclays’ Third Party Code of Conduct (TPCoC). Highlights 8.5% Global spend with small and medium-sized enterprises and diverse-owned suppliers Notes (2021: 8%) a Includes non-addressable spend and One Time Vendors (OTV). b 90% by invoice value c Spending between Barclays and diverse suppliers is considered first- tier spending. Spending between Barclays’ first-tier suppliers that can trace subcontracted spend with diverse suppliers on Barclays-specific 93% work is considered second-tier direct spending. d For Barclays, diverse suppliers are defined as either size diverse (small Prompt payment rate and medium sized enterprises) or ownership diverse (majority owned, controlled and operated by protected class groups, such as women, (2021: 90%) ethnic minorities, LGBT+, persons with disabilities, military veterans and for-profit social enterprises).

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