Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 42 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Society (continued) and be able to signpost to other relevant Partnership with Trussell Trust Highlights services such as mental health support. to help UK households with rising Since April 2022, the Trussell Trust has cost of living unlocked more than £2.3m for people ∆ ∆ In 2022, Barclays launched a new 3-year 18.1m 77,200 through the financial inclusion initiatives that partnership with the Trussell Trust to help Barclays is supporting, as well as writing off LifeSkills – Overall participation LifeSkills – No. of people unlock income for people struggling to afford more than £500,000 of unaffordable debt for since launch in 2013 placed into work essentials and help them to access financial families. 43% of food banks in the Trussell 2021: 15.3m 2021: 77,100 assistance that they’re entitled to, but not Trust network currently offer financial receiving, such as benefits and grants. Staff inclusion services. Looking forward, the and volunteers at food banks are being partnership is committed to increasing this to ∆ a upskilled to provide bespoke support to tackle 75% of their network by March 2025. 2.74m 269 the underlying causes of hardship in their Unreasonable Impact – LifeSkills – community, provide effective financial advice Ventures supported since 2016 No. of people upskilled 2021: 2.89m 2021: 216 Enabling sustainable growth Charitable giving and investment in our communities Through the Unreasonable Impact programme, in 2022, Barclays celebrated delivering its Alongside these high-impact programmes, we Citizenship commitment of supporting 250 high- help our employees to make a difference to the growth entrepreneurs to scale their companies causes that matter most to them personally and address key global issues. The programme is through our matching programmes. In 2022, we a now reaching 269 companies that have supported more than 5,700 colleagues around positively affected the lives of more than 300 the world to fundraise and donate to their million people around the world, and employ over chosen charities, including organisations 19,500 people full-time (FTE). From air-based providing vital humanitarian assistance in protein which makes meat from the air, to hybrid Ukraine. With Barclays matching, a total of £9.3m solar panels that generate both electricity and was raised for more than 1,800 charities. We also water – these companies are delivering supported 11,900 colleagues to donate via our innovative solutions to address pressing social UK Payroll Giving programme, which saw us and environmental challenges. match more than £720,000 in 2022. We also support communities directly by investing money and skills in partnerships with respected non-governmental organisations, charities and social enterprises. Our investment amounted to £44.7m in 2022, including Notes: charitable giving, management costs and a Cumulative ventures supported since 2016 monetised work hours of Barclays colleagues. Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub for further details: reporting-and-disclosures/

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