Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 41 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Society (continued) Supporting our communities At Barclays, we believe that a strong, inclusive economy is a better economy for everyone. With rising costs likely to exacerbate social and economic inequalities, it is more important than ever to support communities facing hardship. We work with experienced partners and employability experts to design programmes that make a positive and enduring difference in the communities around the world in which we live and work. Our LifeSkills programme is enabling people to develop the employability and financial skills they need to get into work and manage their money and our Unreasonable Impact programme is supporting ventures that are solving key social and environmental Jersey, and more recently supporting the Celebrating 10 years of upskilling challenges, driving innovation and creating jobs. expansion of its Brooklyn campus. We have communities across New York City also helped develop curricula for Java Enhancing people’s with Per Scholas developer and cybersecurity courses. skills and confidence Barclays has a long history of delivering As a result of Barclays' investment, more than Through our LifeSkills programme, Barclays Citizenship programmes that are designed for a 1,800 Per Scholas graduates have been placed committed to help a further 10 million people to inclusion. Through its community into work, including more than 60 who have develop the skills and confidence they need to partnerships, we are upskilling and creating b been hired as apprentices, interns or full-time succeed, as well as place 250,000 people into pathways into work for Black and ethnically employees at Barclays. work by the end of 2022. The programme has diverse people, and working with ethnically now reached this milestone with 12.6 million As the partnership continues, Barclays is diverse leaders to promote social equity in people upskilled and 270,600 people placed into working closely with Per Scholas to create and our communities. work. Since LifeSkills first began in 2013, it has extend more pathways into work by taking In 2022, we celebrated 10 years of upskilling Δ reached 18.1 million people. advantage of remote learning opportunities historically underserved communities across and establishing satellite locations in New York City with LifeSkills partner Per Sectors of companies in which people have partnership with community-based Scholas, and continue to evolve this been placed into work (%) organisations. This is enabling them to expand partnership to empower even more of their their footprint and reach underserved learners – 87% of whom are Black and populations in every borough across New Technology 58% n ethnically diverse, with the skills to be York City. Retail and customer successful in technology careers. 15% n service Notes: Barclays has played a key role in helping Per Financial services 12% n a. Over a five-year period, 2018-2022. Scholas to launch technology training Other 15% b. Over a four-year period, 2019-2022. n You can find out more about this approach and its impact in Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under campuses in Brooklyn and in Newark, New + a newly launched report, accessible at: ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited assurance content/uploads/2022/10/Partnering-For-Impact-Per- scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub for Scholas-Satellite-Model.pdf further details: reporting-and-disclosures/

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