Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 71 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Introduction (continued) Our strategy, selected targets and progress The table below sets out selected targets and policies we have previously announced, progress against them, and the new announcements we are now making. Strategic pillar Previously announced target/policy Progress New announcement By end 2025 2022 performance We are working towards the following milestones 1.Achieving net zero 2 Δ Energy • 100% renewable electricity sourcing for our global real estate • By end of 2035, 115 kWh/m /year average energy use intensity 100% sourced operations portfolio by end of 2025 across our corporate offices, against a 2022 baseline of 265 2 kWh/m /year • By end of 2035, 10 MW on-site renewable electricity capacity installed across our global real estate portfolio, against a 2022 baseline of 0.26 MW Δ Reduction of GHG • 90% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (market-based, • By end 2030, 90% of our suppliers, by addressable spend, to −91% reduction emissions against a 2018 baseline) have science-based GHG emissions reduction targets in place • By end 2030, 50% GHG supply chain emissions reduction against a 2018 baseline • By end 2050, 90% GHG supply chain emissions reduction against a 2018 baseline By the end of 2030 Cumulative change By the end of 2030 2.Reducing our Energy • 40% reduction in absolute CO e emissions against a 2020 -32% N/A financed emissions 2 Δ baseline of 75.7 MtCO e (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) 2 Portfolio reduction Power • 50-69% reduction in CO e emissions intensity against a 2020 -9% N/A 2 targets/convergence Δ baseline of 331 kgCO e/MWh (Scope 1) 2 point Cement • 20-26% reduction in CO e emission intensity against a 2021 -2% N/A 2 Δ baseline of 0.625 tCO e/t (Scopes 1 & 2) 2 Steel • 20-40% reduction in CO e emissions intensity against a 2021 -11% N/A 2 Δ baseline of 1.945 tCO e/t (Scopes 1 & 2) 2 Automotive manufacturing N/A N/A • 40-64 % reduction in CO e emissions intensity against a 2022 2 Δ baseline of 167.2 gCO e/km (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) 2 Residential real estate N/A N/A • Convergence point: 40% reduction in CO e emissions intensity 2 Δ 2 against a 2022 baseline of 32.9 kgCO e/m (Scopes 1 & 2) 2 Notes: Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub for further details:

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