Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 107 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 3 By working collaboratively under a unified strategy Based on the enhanced EPC matching, as of the Green Mortgage completions Barclays UK Consumer across Barclays UK, we aim to further expand our end of Q3 2022, a valid EPC rating was available and Business Banking Number of completions sustainable products and propositions to meet for 65.1% of our mortgage book by volume customers’ needs and support them in seeking to compared to Q3 2021, where we had a valid EPC Sustainability is a key focus area for Barclays UK. We 7,080 11,686 reduce emissions. rating for 55.7% of our mortgage book. There are are actively engaging with our retail and business 2022 progress Total since 2018 industry-wide challenges regarding obtaining n n customers to better understand the steps they Consumer Bank greater coverage of EPC ratings as this data is want to take to become more sustainable, and the Barclays UK Consumer Sustainability Hub Value of completions (£m) sourced directly from the government EPC role that finance can play. We are using this insight- We launched a Sustainability Hub to engage register and is released on a quarterly basis. led approach to design and develop sustainable 1,601 2,656 consumers and provide them information on finance solutions that meet the needs of our Mortgages balance by EPC rating (£m) financial products and services we offer that may 2022 progress Total since 2018 n n customers. as of 30 September 2022 support them in making more sustainable We have started embedding environmental choices. This includes sharing Barclays’ approach In October 2022, Barclays launched the Greener 2022 total: 116,644 Home Reward pilot. to tackling climate change. Given the current considerations and climate risk into product and 782 energy crisis and consumer interest in reducing EPC rating G proposition standards, and we plan to further n Further details on Barclays Greener Home Reward can be home energy usage, we are engaging customers 4,275 EPC rating F + embed this into product governance through the n found at: 19,088 on this topic by featuring information about EPC rating E New and Amended Product Approval (NAPA) n making homes more energy efficient. We are We have piloted training on energy efficiency of process. We have recruited specialists into EPC rating D n also providing information on moving towards homes with a small group of mortgage advisors sustainability-focused roles across Barclays UK and EPC rating C n 44,624 sustainable travel and we aim to focus on this and will roll this out further in 2023. we intend to roll out colleague training for the retail EPC rating B n area, particularly by helping to scale the adoption Further details on Barclays Green Home Mortgages can be bank. In 2022, we began issuing recycled cards for EPC rating A n + found at: of electric vehicles across the UK for consumers our retail credit and debit cards, as well as across our Further details on Barclays Buy-To-Let Mortgages can be through partnerships and propositions. We plan found at: commercial card issuing portfolio. We have also to expand the content on the Sustainability Hub mortgage/ used new digital journeys in the app and online and integrate the content into the Barclays app. banking to support an additional 1.8 million Our UK mortgages by EPC rating Further details on the consumer-facing Sustainability Hub customers to become paperless and reduce their + can be found at: Barclays UK regularly monitors the Energy paper waste. We are also switching to a different Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of its paper type sourced from an integrated paper mill Green home propositions 26,639 mortgage portfolio, to support our management which has a lower environmental impact as it uses In 2018, Barclays led the market as one of the of climate risk and our understanding of the less energy. We have launched our first electric first UK lenders to launch a Green Mortgage. impact of our financing on the environment. In mobile banking van to provide a lower emitting way Since inception, Barclays has lent over £2.6bn to 20,878 line with our commitment to the improvement in 358 of serving our customers and communities. Green Home mortgage customers with £1.6bn energy efficiency of our mortgages portfolio, Complementary to this, our electric mobile banking of financing delivered in 2022. In 2022, Barclays Barclays UK has set an ambition for 50% of colleagues have been trained with a government expanded Green Home mortgages to include EPC A & B Mortgages homes in its mortgage portfolio with a known approved Alternative Fuelled Vehicle (AFV) driving buy-to-let properties, supporting more EPC to be rated EPC band C or better by 2030. certification. Additional electric mobile banking vans customers to purchase an energy efficient new- As at the end of Q3 2022, 42.3% were rated EPC will be introduced next year, in line with our intention build home. 18% C or better (out of homes with a valid EPC, or to fully electrify our mobile banking vans by 2025. As 27.5% including homes without an EPC). of mortgage balances rated Further details on our progress to estimate emissions part of our physical network, we are developing intensity for our UK mortgage portfolio can be found on + A or B against available EPCs pages 92 to 94. In 2022, Barclays UK onboarded a third party to ‘Print’ and ‘Energy’ dashboards for our branch (2021: 17%) provide enhanced EPC matching in addition to a colleagues to provide information about usage and broad suite of climate data for assessing physical insights to encourage them to reduce the carbon and transition risks in the Barclays UK Mortgages footprint. portfolio (owner-occupied and buy to let).

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