Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 106 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 3 Barclays FinTech Venture Studio Barclays Eagle Labs Eagle Labs Demo Directory Eagle Labs Green Tech Barclays Fintech Venture Studio, powered by Barclays Eagle Labs look to help incubate, inspire Eagle Labs run a proposition which supports Eagle Labs is building a community of start-ups Rainmaking, is seeking to develop a portfolio of and educate UK founders, start-ups and scale- growth stage companies and investors across all working on disruptive technology and more new growth opportunities, transforming finance ups and help them to succeed and grow. industries. Investors can use the platform to established companies with deep domain for Barclays teams and clients across the bank identify sustainability-related businesses expertise, to accelerate the innovation needed Further details on Barclays Eagle Labs can be found at: + through effective fintech partnerships and co- including those seeking to raise capital to help to create the new technology that will deliver a creation. the transition to a low-carbon economy. more sustainable future and achieve our net zero goals. EnergyTech Bridge has helped 10 large We identify strategic opportunities across the Further details on Eagle Labs Demo Directory can be found + at: corporate energy industry customers as they breadth of the bank, and design and deliver pilots transition to a lower carbon economy by to ensure the success of our scaled partnerships. connecting them to promising UK start-ups and Etopia - Building for a lower Our approach leverages deep market knowledge, innovative leaders from the tech industry. carbon future extensive experience in delivering innovation Further details on climate-related topics with Energy and across complex environments, and a repeatable Etopia, a participant in the Unreasonable + technology can be found at: model enabling us to scale innovation at pace. energytech/ Impact programme, is creating a more sustainable, efficient, affordable, and resilient A dedicated Climate Fintech Innovation Strategy Eagle Labs Agri Tech approach to net zero carbon home building has been developed to identify and drive growth We connect traditional agriculture with new and through modern methods of construction. opportunities within this framework. emerging innovation to help create sustainable They are doing this by producing sustainable Unreasonable Impact efficiencies in farming and agriculture to close building systems that enable contractors, Through its Unreasonable Impact programme, supply chain gaps in food production. developers, and housing providers to deliver Barclays is supporting high-growth net zero ready carbon homes that are built to Further details on climate-related topics with Agriculture and + entrepreneurs with the network and resources technology can be found at: the UK's Future Homes and Buildings Standard. agritech/ in addition to insights available at: they need to address pressing social and learning-and-insights/agritech/ Further details on Etopia and how Barclays has been environmental challenges. + supporting them on their journey to build more sustainable homes, can be found at: Barclays Eagle Labs also offers our Barclays Eagle This strategic global partnership with Labs Female Founder Accelerator in partnership with Unreasonable Group has enabled Barclays to etopia/ Carbon13 Incubator via AccelerateHER to support 40 innovative female-led deliver on its Citizenship commitment to support Cambridge Eagle Labs technology businesses as well as the Barclays Black more than 250 entrepreneurs by the end of In October 2022, Barclays Eagle Labs and Founder Accelerator, a programme especially 2022, whose ventures have the potential to Carbon13 announced a new partnership designed to champion diversity in entrepreneurship create jobs of the future while solving key social which will support start-ups focused on and showcase Black Founder-led businesses. and environmental issues. sustainability and climate-tech innovation. Further details on Barclays Eagle Labs and Carbon13 With billions in financing already raised by its + Incubator can be found at: Through the partnership Barclays is portfolio, the partnership’s momentum insights/news-and-insights/news/ committing up to £2.5m investment to continues to grow, and the ventures are driving deliver the Carbon13 Venture Launchpad innovations in a variety of industries, from energy programme from 2023. The programme will and environment to food and water. a provide founders with support and c.9,600 Further details on Unreasonable Impact can be found at: mentoring to tackle significant challenges + businesses supported by Eagle Labs that UK start-ups face on the road to net unreasonable-impact/ throughout 2022 zero, and drive innovation in the green technology sector. It will also provide them Notes: with access to potential investors. a Covering all our members, alumni, programme attendees and ecosystem engaged businesses

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