Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 480 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Accruals, provisions, contingent liabilities and legal proceedings approval in November 2022. This matter is now concluded. The financial impact of Barclays’ share of the joint settlement is not material to the Group’s operating results, cash flows or financial position. ICE LIBOR civil actions In 2019, several putative class actions were filed in the SDNY against a panel of banks, including Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, BCI, other financial institution defendants and Intercontinental Exchange Inc. and certain of its affiliates (ICE), asserting antitrust claims that the defendants manipulated USD LIBOR through the defendants’ submissions to ICE. These actions have been consolidated. The defendants’ motion to dismiss was granted in 2020 and the plaintiffs appealed. In February 2022, the dismissal was affirmed on appeal. The plaintiffs did not seek US Supreme Court review. This matter is now concluded. In August 2020, an ICE LIBOR-related action was filed by a group of individual plaintiffs in the US District Court for the Northern District of California on behalf of individual borrowers and consumers of loans and credit cards with variable interest rates linked to USD ICE LIBOR. The plaintiffs’ motion seeking, among other things, preliminary and permanent injunctions to enjoin the defendants from continuing to set LIBOR or enforce any financial instrument that relies in whole or in part on USD LIBOR was denied. The defendants’ motion to dismiss the case was granted in September 2022. The plaintiffs have filed an amended complaint, which the defendants have moved to dismiss. Non-US benchmarks civil actions There remains one claim, issued in 2017, against Barclays Bank PLC and other banks in the UK in connection with alleged manipulation of LIBOR. Proceedings have also been brought in a number of other jurisdictions in Europe, Argentina and Israel relating to alleged manipulation of LIBOR and EURIBOR. Additional proceedings in other jurisdictions may be brought in the future. Credit Default Swap civil action A putative antitrust class action is pending in New Mexico federal court against Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and various other financial institutions. The plaintiffs, the New Mexico State Investment Council and certain New Mexico pension funds, allege that the defendants conspired to manipulate the benchmark price used to value Credit Default Swap (CDS) contracts at settlement (i.e. the CDS final auction price). The plaintiffs allege violations of US antitrust laws and the CEA, and unjust enrichment under state law. The defendants have moved to dismiss the case. Foreign Exchange investigations and related civil actions The Group has been the subject of investigations in various jurisdictions in relation to certain sales and trading practices in the Foreign Exchange market. Settlements were reached in various jurisdictions in connection with these investigations, including the EU and US. The financial impact of any remaining ongoing investigations is not expected to be material to the Group’s operating results, cash flows or financial position. Various individuals and corporates in a range of jurisdictions have threatened or brought civil actions against the Group and other banks in relation to alleged manipulation of Foreign Exchange markets. US FX opt out civil action In 2018, Barclays Bank PLC and BCI settled a consolidated action filed in the SDNY, alleging manipulation of Foreign Exchange markets (Consolidated FX Action), for a total amount of $384m. Also in 2018, a group of plaintiffs, who opted out of the Consolidated FX Action, filed a complaint in the SDNY against Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and other defendants. Some of the plaintiffs’ claims were dismissed in 2020. Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, and BCI have reached a settlement in principle of all claims against them in the matter. The financial impact of this settlement is not material to the Group’s operating results, cash flows or financial position. US retail basis civil action In 2015, a putative class action was filed against several international banks, including Barclays PLC and BCI, on behalf of a proposed class of individuals who exchanged currencies on a retail basis at bank branches (Retail Basis Claims). The SDNY has ruled that the Retail Basis Claims are not covered by the settlement agreement in the Consolidated FX Action. The Court subsequently dismissed all Retail Basis Claims against the Group and all other defendants. The plaintiffs have filed an amended complaint. Non-US FX civil actions Legal proceedings have been brought or are threatened against Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and Barclays Execution Services Limited (BX) in connection with alleged manipulation of Foreign Exchange in the UK, a number of other jurisdictions in Europe, Israel, Brazil and Australia. Additional proceedings may be brought in the future. The above-mentioned proceedings include two purported class actions filed against Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, BX, BCI and other financial institutions in the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) in 2019. The CAT refused to certify these claims in the first quarter of 2022 although the claimants have obtained permission to appeal and judicially review the CAT’s decisions. Also in 2019, a separate claim was filed in the UK in the High Court of Justice (High Court), and subsequently transferred to the CAT, by various banks and asset management firms against Barclays Bank PLC and other financial institutions alleging breaches of European and UK competition laws related to FX trading. This claim has been settled as part of the settlement in principle referred to under the US FX opt out civil action above. Metals-related civil actions A number of US civil complaints, each on behalf of a proposed class of plaintiffs, have been consolidated and transferred to the SDNY. The complaints allege that Barclays Bank PLC and other members of The London Gold Market Fixing Ltd. manipulated the prices of gold and gold derivative contracts in violation of the Antitrust Act and other federal laws. The parties reached a joint settlement to resolve this matter for $50m. The settlement received final court approval in August 2022. This matter is now concluded. The financial impact of Barclays’ share of the joint settlement is not material to the Group’s operating results, cash flows or financial position. A separate US civil complaint by a proposed class of plaintiffs against a number of banks, including Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and BX, alleging

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