Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 479 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Accruals, provisions, contingent liabilities and legal proceedings 26 Legal, competition and regulatory matters The Group faces legal, competition and regulatory challenges, many of which are beyond our control. The extent of the impact of these matters cannot always be predicted but may materially impact our operations, financial results, condition and prospects. Matters arising from a set of similar circumstances can give rise to either a contingent liability or a provision, or both, depending on the relevant facts and circumstances. The recognition of provisions in relation to such matters involves critical accounting estimates and judgments in accordance with the relevant accounting policies applicable to Note 24, Provisions. We have not disclosed an estimate of the potential financial impact or effect on the Group of contingent liabilities where it is not currently practicable to do so. Various matters detailed in this note seek damages of an unspecified amount. While certain matters specify the damages claimed, such claimed amounts do not necessarily reflect the Group’s potential financial exposure in respect of those matters. Matters are ordered under headings corresponding to the financial statements in which they are disclosed. 1. Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC Investigations into certain advisory services agreements FCA proceedings In 2008, Barclays Bank PLC and Qatar Holdings LLC entered into two advisory service agreements (the Agreements). The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) conducted an investigation into whether the Agreements may have related to Barclays PLC’s capital raisings in June and November 2008 (the Capital Raisings) and therefore should have been disclosed in the announcements or public documents relating to the Capital Raisings. In 2013, the FCA issued warning notices (the Warning Notices) finding that Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC acted recklessly and in breach of certain disclosure-related listing rules, and that Barclays PLC was also in breach of Listing Principle 3. The financial penalty provided in the Warning Notices was £50m. Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC contested the findings. In September 2022, the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee (RDC) issued Decision Notices finding that Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC breached certain disclosure-related listing rules. The RDC also found that in relation to the disclosures made in the Capital Raising of November 2008, Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC acted recklessly, and that Barclays PLC breached Listing Principle 3. The RDC upheld the combined penalty of £50m on Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC, the same penalty as in the Warning Notices. Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC have referred the RDC’s findings to the Upper Tribunal for reconsideration. Investigations into LIBOR and other benchmarks and related civil actions Regulators and law enforcement agencies, including certain competition authorities, from a number of governments have conducted investigations relating to Barclays Bank PLC’s involvement in allegedly manipulating certain financial benchmarks, such as LIBOR. Various individuals and corporates in a range of jurisdictions have threatened or brought civil actions against the Group and other banks in relation to the alleged manipulation of LIBOR and/or other benchmarks. USD LIBOR civil actions The majority of the USD LIBOR cases, which have been filed in various US jurisdictions, have been consolidated for pre-trial purposes in the US District Court in the Southern District of New York (SDNY). The complaints are substantially similar and allege, among other things, that Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, Barclays Capital Inc. (BCI) and other financial institutions individually and collectively violated provisions of the US Sherman Antitrust Act (Antitrust Act), the US Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), the US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and various state laws by manipulating USD LIBOR rates. Putative class actions and individual actions seek unspecified damages with the exception of one lawsuit, in which the plaintiffs are seeking no less than $100m in actual damages and additional punitive damages against all defendants, including Barclays Bank PLC. Some of the lawsuits also seek trebling of damages under the Antitrust Act and RICO. Barclays Bank PLC has previously settled certain claims. In 2022, Barclays Bank PLC also settled one further matter. The financial impact of the settlement is not material to the Group’s operating results, cash flows or financial position. Sterling LIBOR civil actions In 2016, two putative class actions filed in the SDNY against Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and other Sterling LIBOR panel banks alleging, among other things, that the defendants manipulated the Sterling LIBOR rate in violation of the Antitrust Act, CEA and RICO, were consolidated. The defendants’ motion to dismiss the claims was granted in 2018. The plaintiffs have appealed the dismissal. Japanese Yen LIBOR civil actions In 2012, a putative class action was filed in the SDNY against Barclays Bank PLC and other Japanese Yen LIBOR panel banks by a lead plaintiff involved in exchange-traded derivatives and members of the Japanese Bankers Association’s Euroyen Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (Euroyen TIBOR) panel. The complaint alleges, among other things, manipulation of the Euroyen TIBOR and Yen LIBOR rates and breaches of the CEA and the Antitrust Act. In 2014, the court dismissed the plaintiff’s antitrust claims, and in 2020, the court dismissed the plaintiff’s remaining CEA claims. In 2015, a second putative class action, making similar allegations to the above class action, was filed in the SDNY against Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC and BCI. Barclays and the plaintiffs have reached a settlement of $17.75m for both actions. A final court approval hearing has been scheduled for March 2023. SIBOR/SOR civil action In 2016, a putative class action was filed in the SDNY against Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, BCI and other defendants, alleging manipulation of the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR) and Singapore Swap Offer Rate (SOR). The plaintiffs and remaining defendants (which includes Barclays Bank PLC) reached a joint settlement to resolve this matter for $91m, which received final court

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