Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 125 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) Engaging with industry Industry collaboration Additional information Climate and sustainability In 2022, Barclays contributed to a publication ‘Guidance on Use of Sectoral Pathways for Financial institutions’ Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero published in June. In 2021, Barclays was a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance. Since 2022, Barclays has co-led the Sector Net-Zero Banking Alliance Work Track within NZBA. In October 2022, Barclays announced a three-year partnership with Oxford to work on developing a credible Oxford Sustainable Finance Group methodology for monitoring emissions and creating transition pathways in the agriculture sector, & the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment Barclays has been a member of PCAF since 2020. During 2022, Barclays co-chaired a Capital Markets Working Group Partnership for Carbon Accounting of eight global banks that have developed a proposed methodology to account for the emissions associated with Financials capital markets transactions. The Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) brings together UK regulators and senior financial sector representatives to PRA/FCA Climate Financial Risk Forum share their experiences in managing climate-related risks and opportunities. During 2022, Barclays chaired the Transition to Net Zero Working Group (TNZWG). In September 2022, Barclays became a Strategic Partner of Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) Center for Climate Aligned RMI's Center for Climate Aligned Finance (CCAF). The Center acts as an implementation partner to banks seeking to align their investments with a net Finance zero future. Barclays is a member of the SMI Financial Services Taskforce (FSTF) and co-chairs the Net Zero Group. The SMI was Sustainable Markets Initiative launched in 2020 by His Majesty King Charles III when in role as The Prince of Wales. In 2021, Barclays became a member of the Banking for Impact on Climate in Agriculture (B4ICA) initiative which brings World Business Council for together banks to develop technical data-solutions to support themselves and their clients to align their financial Sustainable Development portfolios in the food, agriculture, and land use space towards net zero and Paris Agreement goals. Barclays' register of our engagement with industry initiatives, + working groups and memberships can be found at: disclosures/

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