Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 124 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) Engaging with industry External initiatives, signatories or memberships Additional information Multi-thematic Barclays is a founding member of the Banking Environment Initiative (BEI), a group of global banks working on Cambridge Institute of Sustainability actionable pathways towards a sustainable economy, convened by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership's Banking Environment Leadership (CISL). In 2022, Barclays engaged with member banks on the topics of just transition and nature. Initiative Barclays has been an active member of Ceres since 2019, participating in various working groups across Ceres environmental and climate justice, climate-related disclosures, policy engagement and biodiversity. In 2022, we partnered with Ceres to integrate a US perspective on just transition, conducting research to organise a stakeholder dialogue on the topic and spoke at their Financing a Net Zero Economy conference during New York Climate week on a Just Transition panel. Barclays has been a member of United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) for more than United Nations Environment 20 years and was a founding signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) as well as joining the Net-Zero Programme - Finance Initiative Banking Alliance in 2021. From 2021, Barclays' Group Head of Sustainability has sat on the Western Europe Banking Board and our CEO joined the Leadership Council in 2022. Just transition In 2021, Barclays joined over 40 financial institutions and stakeholders to form the Financing a Just Transition Alliance. LSE/Grantham Institute In 2022 Barclays contributed to the report 'Making Transition Plans Just'. Nature and biodiversity Barclays is a member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Forum (TNFD), which is a consultative Taskforce on Nature-related Financial network of institutional supporters who share the vision and mission of the TNFD. In 2022, we participated in a pilot led Disclosures Forum by UNEP FI to test the draft TNFD framework.

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