Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 83 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 1 Business travel Supporting our colleagues Carbon credits Zero waste In 2022, total colleague air travel emissions In support of our net zero operations ambition we We plan to purchase at least 42,000 voluntary In 2022, we produced 5,616 tonnes of waste a reduced by 73% against a 2018 baseline. While are engaging with colleagues and implementing carbon credits to remain carbon neutral for our across our sites, 69% of which was recycled. Due emissions have decreased from our baseline, initiatives to reduce our individual environmental 2022 Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 business to return to the office, post-COVID, we have emissions increased between 2021 and 2022 by footprints. travel market-based emissions. We will look to seen an increase in waste produced compared to a percentage difference of 24% due to return to purchase a portfolio of certified carbon credits last year. In 2022, we implemented several programmes to business travel post-COVID. that follow industry standards and GHG crediting increase colleague understanding of our net zero All sites in our UK real estate portfolio (offices, Though a small percentage of our operational programmes including Verified Carbon Standard ambition and opportunities to support it: branches, campuses and data centres) are zero emissions, we use a variety of solutions to reduce (VCS) Programme and Climate Action Reserve waste to landfill certified. We have an ambition to • We provided colleague green benefits including our travel emissions including using digital (CAR). achieve and maintain TRUE (Total Resource Use the relaunch of our UK salary sacrifice car scheme technology where practicable as an alternative to We periodically review our carbon credits and Efficiency) zero waste certified projects as an electric vehicle scheme. We have worked face-to-face meetings, adjusting our travel procurement process. We currently conduct due across our key campuses by 2035, which means with our third party discounts platform provider in policy to promote lower carbon solutions (such diligence as part of our carbon credits we must divert a minimum of 90% of solid, non- the UK and US to curate and promote offers that as promoting train versus air travel when procurement process, that will include a third hazardous wastes from the environment, landfill support a more sustainable lifestyle, and are feasible), avoiding non-essential business trips party review of the project portfolio from an and incineration (waste-to-energy) to recycling seeking to roll this platform out to more and using our booking and reporting platforms to independent voluntary carbon markets advisory facilities or locations where the waste can be jurisdictions throughout 2023 improve colleagues’ awareness of their individual firm which is not directly involved in the sourcing reused. Our Pune campus in India was the first to • We deployed Barclays Go Green sustainability carbon footprint. process. achieve the TRUE certification in 2022. gamification programme globally, which led to In 2022, we also completed a review of our All final projects must pass independent due To deliver our ambition across the rest of our employees avoiding approximately 139tCO e 2 preferred airline partners and have selected diligence screening based on risk assessment in campuses, we are removing single use items, through their sustainable actions those with strong sustainability credentials, five key areas: location, technology, additionality, using on-site composters to reduce food waste • Our 12 employee-led environment networks including the use of sustainable aviation fuel environmental and social impacts as well as and promoting recycling. across the globe created and participated in (SAF), and are actively pursuing a number of potential benefits. We are using on-site composters across activities aligned with Barclays’ net zero ambition. initiatives to work with our partners to increase numerous global offices including Singapore, Further details on our carbon credits can be found on Barclays In 2022 they hosted a variety of activities and capacity and use of SAF. + ESG Data Centre at: Glasgow, and Pune. In addition, at our New York engaged with more than 6,200 Barclays resource-hub/reporting-and-disclosures/ Leased assets and waste offices we work with Goodr, which participated in employees We have established a baseline for our leased assets Barclays' Unreasonable Impact accelerator Nature and biodiversity in our Further information about how Barclays engages with and waste GHG emissions detailed in our ESG Data programme, to re-route our surplus food to local + colleagues can be found on page 118. operations Centre. Though these emissions are minimal in charities. Nature and biodiversity are intrinsically comparison to all other operational emissions, we connected to our efforts to mitigate and adapt will develop activities to address those emissions. to climate change and maintain healthy communities. As such, we focus on improving our resource use and protecting natural environments through our circular design principles including designing out waste and pollution across our operations, recycling, and regenerating natural ecosystems. Note a We define carbon neutral as first reducing carbon dioxide emissions then counterbalancing carbon dioxide emissions from Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 business travel with carbon credit offsets.

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