Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 84 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 1 Water management Sustainability in our building Although our operational water footprint is design and operations relatively small, we are investing in new As of December 2022, 57% of our technologies to reduce our water consumption global real estate portfolio by area has and increase our use of recycled water. For a third-party verified green building example, in 2022 the grey water recycling system certification. These certifications at our Pune campus enabled us to repurpose comprise of US Green Building approximately 38,000 kilolitres of grey water, so Council’s Leadership in Energy and that 85% of the campus’ water consumption Environmental Design (LEED) came from on-site recycled water. certification programme, Building Biodiversity Research Establishment As part of our location strategy and ongoing Environmental Assessment Method management of our operational assets, we (BREEAM), Energy Star certification consider how biodiversity and ecosystems are and WELL Building Certification™. impacted – both positively and negatively – by This achievement includes: our activities. • LEED certifications at our Chicago, We conduct pollution risk assessments across Boston, Whippany, and Pune sites our property portfolio where we hold generators, • WELL Gold certified™ at our Pune to ensure no fuel escapes outside its site, the first in our property containment and therefore does not pollute land portfolio in addition to Barclays’ and water systems. We also seek to enhance participation in the WELL at Scale biodiversity across our buildings. For example, as programme part of the redevelopment of the Radbroke • Energy Star certification at our campus, we are seeking a 10% increase in 2 Piscataway data centre for the 10th biodiversity by 're-greening' 800m of the site by consecutive year. 2025. Recognising the importance of this agenda, we will be developing our understanding Additionally, 41% of our global real and we will be evaluating nature-related risks and estate portfolio remain certified to opportunities on an ongoing basis. ISO 14001, the international standard for designing and implementing an Further details on Barclays’ approach to biodiversity can be + found on pages 119 to 120. Environmental Management System (EMS). All sites in our UK real estate portfolio (offices, branches, campuses and data centres) were zero waste to landfill certified.

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