Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 224 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Remuneration report (continued) In addition to the shared personal objectives described above, the table below summarises performance against the personal objectives specific to C.S. Venkatakrishnan. C.S. Venkatakrishnan's objectives Outcomes Ensure a continued focus on • Continued to act as a market maker and liquidity provider to clients across the globe, helping them customer and client find opportunities and manage risk during a continued period of heightened market disruption outcomes • Continued the focus on improving the overall customer experience in Barclays UK by identifying the root causes of customer complaints and supporting their removal. Complaints in Barclays UK reduced by 18% vs. 2021, despite an 8% rise in interactions with the bank across all channels • Introduced additional support for vulnerable customers who may be experiencing financial vulnerability due to inflationary pressures, including training over 16,000 colleagues to better recognise signs of vulnerability, raising awareness of tools and support available and adapting products, including increased resource in our Barclays Financial Assistance team • Reached an agreement to acquire Kensington Mortgage Company, a specialist mortgage lending platform focused on customers with complex incomes, which will enable us to provide residential mortgages to more customers • Significantly grew our customer care teams globally, including nearly doubling our footprint in our US Contact Centre in the US following the acquisition of the GAP credit card portfolio, with over 1,800 new hires Continue to embed the • Further embedded the Barclays Mindset into our hiring, performance management, reward and Mindset across the recognition frameworks organisation in support of our • Increased the number of colleagues who believe that they and their team do a good job of role Purpose modelling our Mindset every day (2022: 92%; 2021: 89%) • Over 260,000 recognitions were sent to colleagues during 2022 specifically recognising our Mindset in action Continue to develop a high- • Colleague engagement increased across the Group to 84%, an increase of 2% points versus 2021, performing culture in line with with the annual YourView survey also showing positive results across most other measures our Values, with a focus on • Inclusion Index score for 2022 was 82%, up 3% points on 2021, with 88% of colleagues telling us employee engagement, that they feel included in their team succession planning, talent • Launched a refreshed DEI vision and strategy to our colleagues and the community, incorporating and diversity ‘Equity’ into how we talk about our DEI strategy and take action to progress that strategy • Continued to make progress towards our 2025 Gender and Race at Work Ambitions, increasing senior female representation globally and representation of underrepresented minority groups in the UK and the US • Appointed Anna Cross as an internal successor to our Group Finance Director role Empower the effective • Drove sustainable improvements to the internal control environment, including in response to the management of the risk and Over-issuance of Securities, both in specific controls and also the control mindset required at all controls agenda levels in the organisation • Established a change programme, alongside our Purpose, Values and Mindset, to set a standard of consistent excellence and help ensure that Barclays performs at a very high level, consistently, day in and day out Effectively manage • Venkat has built strong connections and proactively collaborated with UK and US regulators relationships with key external throughout the year, working to support the broader UK economy stakeholders and society • Engaged extensively with stakeholders, including in relation to Barclays' climate strategy, the Say on more broadly Climate advisory vote at the 2022 AGM and the Over-issuance of Securities Recognising C.S. Venkatakrishnan's very strong performance against both his individual and shared personal objectives, and his leadership of the organisation through 2022, the Committee assessed that an outcome of 13% out of a maximum of 15% was appropriate.

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