Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 164 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Nominations Committee report (continued) On appointment, all Directors receive a Time commitment Conflicts of interest comprehensive induction tailored to their We ask all potential new Directors to In accordance with the Companies Act individual requirements, designed to disclose their other significant 2006 and BPLC's articles of association provide them with an understanding of commitments, which the Committee then (Articles), the Board has the authority to how the Group works and the key issues takes into account when considering any authorise conflicts of interest, and this that it faces. When designing each proposed appointment to ensure that ensures that the influence of third parties bespoke induction schedule, the Group Directors can discharge their does not compromise the independent Company Secretary consults the responsibilities to Barclays effectively. As judgement of the Board. Directors are Chairman, taking into account the well as attending and preparing for formal required to declare any potential or actual particular needs of the new Director. Board and Board Committee meetings, conflicts of interest that could interfere When a Director is joining a Board the Directors’ time commitment to with their ability to act in the best interests Committee, the schedule will also include Barclays includes allowing time to of the Group. an induction to the operation of that understand the business and complete A conflicts register is maintained, which is a Committee. training. We agree expected time record of actual and potential conflicts, commitments with each Non-Executive together with any Board authorisation of You can find details of new Director and Committee- Director on an individual basis. specific inductions delivered to Board members + the conflicts. The authorisations are for an during the course of 2022 on page 165. The Committee was comfortable that the indefinite period but are reviewed annually existing commitments disclosed by each by the Committee, which also considers of Marc Moses and Sir John Kingman the effectiveness of the process for ahead of their respective appointments authorising Directors’ conflicts of interest. would not impact their ability to devote The Board retains the power to vary or such time as is necessary to discharge terminate these authorisations at any their duties to Barclays effectively. time. All Directors must seek approval (providing Director training and an indication of expected time development commitments) before accepting any The Committee supports the Chairman in significant new commitment outside of developing and monitoring effective Barclays. Before approving any significant induction, training and development for new external commitment for a Director, the Board in accordance with its Terms of the Board reviews all relevant facts and Reference (available at circumstances (including the expected who-we-are/our-governance/board- role and time commitment, as well as the committees). As well as Barclays providing nature of the external organisation). In Directors with the opportunity to take part 2022, all external appointment requests in ongoing training and development, were approved on the basis that the Board Directors can also request specific was satisfied with any actual or potential training, as required. conflicts and the Board was confident that An overview of existing training and the Director in question remained able to development arrangements for the Board devote such time necessary to discharge is described on the next page, which their duties to Barclays effectively. encompasses business and function Where circumstances require it, all reviews and horizontal topics to deepen Directors are expected to commit and broaden the Board’s understanding of additional time as necessary to their work the business. on the Board. For the year ended 31 December 2022 and as at the date of You can find details of training and development + delivered to the Board during the course of 2022 on publication, the Board is satisfied that none page 165. of the Directors is over-committed and that each of the Directors allocates sufficient time to their role in order to discharge their responsibilities effectively. A record of each Director’s time commitments is maintained.

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