Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 165 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Nominations Committee report (continued) Training, development and updates for the Board in 2022 Topic Description Areas covered included Updates from key business areas and Group Business areas: Corporate and Investment Bank, Business and function functions, to deepen the Board’s understanding of Consumer Cards and Payments, Barclays UK, US reviews the Group businesses. Consumer Bank. Group functions: Risk, Markets, Legal, HR, Internal Audit, and Compliance. Updates covering areas relevant across the Group. Climate, cyber, Reputation risk, Mindset (including 'Horizontal topics' Culture), data strategy, whistleblowing, complaints, resilience and artificial intelligence. Regular updates on Public Policy and Corporate Reputation Risk matters (for which the Board has direct Public Policy and Responsibility matters. oversight) and a broad range of topics including Corporate Responsibility regulatory engagement and oversight, and climate and sustainability matters. Annual briefing on regulatory responsibilities. Senior Managers Regime and Barclays’ conduct and Regulatory financial crime policies and standards. responsibilities Regular updates on corporate governance. DEI matters, regulatory developments and Corporate governance cybersecurity disclosure obligations. Briefing for Board members (ad hoc). Competition law-related matters. Competition law External input to the Board. Attendance at Board meetings by external speakers and External speakers key regulators, enabling the Board to hear their feedback and observations. Various events enabling the Board to engage directly Board engagement with You can read more about the Board's engagement with with stakeholders. + stakeholders on page 150. stakeholders Committee-specific induction for Julia Wilson, Committee engagement, including sessions with the Committee specific following her appointment as a member of the Board Board Risk Committee Chair, Group Chief Risk Officer, inductions Risk Committee. Interim Group Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Controls Officer. Details of Robert Berry's induction, including in relation to his role as Board Risk Committee Chair, Briefings on Conduct, Reputation and Compliance and can be found in the table below. Legal risk, and various briefings with members of the Risk Executive Committee, as well as the Group Treasurer. New Director inductions delivered in 2022 Handover in accordance with Director Description Induction sessions included Meetings during induction period requirements of Senior Managers Regime (SMR) Tailored Executive • Board governance framework Series of meetings undertaken Formal SMR handover Anna Cross Director induction, and Directors’ duties. during Anna’s induction period, from Tushar Morzaria (as following Anna’s including: outgoing Group Finance • SMR and Conduct rules. appointment as Group Director). • Disclosure requirements • regular one-to-one meetings Finance Director and pursuant to the Market with the Chairman, Group Chief Executive Director. Abuse Regime and the Group Executive, and other members Securities Dealing Code. of the Board • induction meetings with senior executives from across the business. Tailored Non-Executive • The Group’s strategy and Series of meetings with various Formal SMR handover Robert Berry Director induction culture. senior executives from across the from Tim Breedon (as following Robert’s business during Robert's induction outgoing Board Risk • Stakeholder landscape and appointment as a Non- period including from Risk, Committee Chair). relationships. Executive Director, Chair Compliance, Finance, Legal, Internal • Governance matters. and member of the Board Audit, BX and Operations, • Briefings from the Chief Risk Risk Committee and BBUKPLC, Corporate and Officer and Chief Compliance member of the Board Investment Banking, and Consumer Officer (relevant to his Audit Committee. Banking and Payments. responsibilities as Board Risk Committee Chair).

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