Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 33 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our people and culture (continued) Globally, there is training and support available for Socio-economic inclusion agenda all hiring managers and interviewers to ensure Workforce Inclusive and To support the launch of the socio-economic inclusivity and consistency throughout the hiring equitable culture diversity agenda, colleagues created the Inspire ERG, journey. We are an equal opportunities employer which aims to amplify the voices of those who and give full and fair consideration to all identify as coming from a lower socio-economic Developing diverse talent pipelines At Barclays, we are committed to building a populations based on their competencies, background. Members and allies of the ERG are supportive and inclusive culture. We believe that We are focused on recruiting the best talent and strengths and potential. encouraged to develop their understanding of making our organisation more equitable will help have created, and participated in, dedicated how socio-economic status can impact a Additionally, as part of the UK Government us to make the most of the different recruitment schemes across our agendas and person’s work and life experiences. Through Disability Confident scheme, we encourage backgrounds, perspectives and experiences of regions to increase access to diverse talent. This Inspire, we are also connecting with schools and applications from people with a disability, or a our colleagues, and to better serve our has included: universities to remove barriers for people of physical or mental health condition. We require customers and clients. • Continued support for our internal varied backgrounds to join Barclays. people leaders to give full and fair consideration As part of our Continuous Listening strategy, we programmes, such as the Barclays Military and to those with a disability on the basis of In July, colleagues across the organisation were ask colleagues to participate in surveys, providing Veterans Outreach programme, in the UK and strengths, potential and ability, both when hiring invited to join the socio-economic Inclusion regular opportunities to feed back on their US, supporting active duty service members and managing. We also ensure opportunities for Week. Speakers shared insights on a range of experience of working at Barclays. Colleagues are into secondment opportunities at Barclays. In training, career development and promotion are topics, including: social mobility, socio-economic asked to share their feedback on topics ranging 2022, we welcomed 45 service leavers into available to all. background and bias, ethnicity, accents and the from inclusion to wellbeing, and responses help permanent roles across Barclays through our differences across the regions in which we us to assess progress on our DEI journey and For further information on our work on developing diverse Military Talent Scheme and Hiring Our Heroes + talent pipelines, please visit our DEI website. operate. Throughout the week, we shared how identify areas of focus. programmes alongside 120+ military talent we are supporting the career progression of hired with support from Barclays' Military and Providing tools and support for colleagues To learn more about the 2022 Your View survey results, colleagues from lower socio-economic + please visit the Listening to our colleagues section. Veterans Outreach (MVO) team. to succeed and progress at every stage of backgrounds, and the removal of barriers from their career • Establishing a partnership with the Thurgood Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) the workplace. These include mentoring and We offer multiple development programmes to Marshall College Fund, which represents a education initiatives which aim to tackle the Colleague networks have long played an support the growth of our colleagues, providing network of 47 Historically Black Colleges and barriers to development and promotion, important role at Barclays, through creating them with the opportunities and resources Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black partnerships with schools and universities, as well communities and fostering belonging. More necessary to strengthen key skills to progress Institutions (PBIs) in the US. Through this as through our LifeSkills programme, which recently, they have acted as a sounding board for and reach their full potential. partnership, we will work to increase the provides opportunities for colleagues to the business, driving a better understanding of diversity of our talent pipelines in the US. The Black Professionals Resource Group (BPRG) volunteer within the community and amplify the the needs of our customers, clients and created Ascent, a six-month programme for • Participation in the Grace Hopper Celebration breadth of opportunities available to young communities. With over 24,000 colleagues Analysts in the UK and US, to support the Event in the US, which focuses on supporting people within the business. globally participating in one or more of the ERGs, development of Black colleagues across Barclays women and non-binary technologists with these colleague-led communities amplify the and was the first such programme conceived and careers in Technology, resulting in over 400 unique challenges of diverse groups at Barclays delivered by a Barclays Employee Resource job offers to join our Technology division. and provide insight into colleague sentiment and Group (ERG). experience. For further information on development programmes, please + visit the Talent Now and for the Future section.

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