Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 34 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our people and culture (continued) Pronouns For the first time in 2022 we expanded the DEI performance objective to include wellbeing, Leadership Data transparency In 2022, we added two new features to our with colleagues now being asked to develop their accountability and accountability internal phonebook where colleagues can opt to understanding of the factors contributing to display their personal pronouns, as well as the their resilience and sustaining high performance; phonetic spelling or audio recording of their Our leadership play an important role in Data plays an essential role in delivering our DEI and managers now being asked to champion name. We also proudly partnered with Microsoft, progressing our DEI journey and meeting the strategy, allowing senior leaders to make and support team wellbeing. This was bolstered to pilot a pronoun feature on Microsoft Teams. rising expectations of colleagues, customers, informed decisions and track our progress. by the launch, on World Mental Health Day, of a clients and communities. Accountable Branch colleagues in the UK are also now able to In an effort to ensure colleagues’ personal data new toolkit to help people leaders lead their Executives (AEs) from the Barclays Group add their pronouns, as well as markers indicating records are accurate, this year we held another teams in a way that protects and enhances Executive Committee have been appointed as health conditions and flags denoting spoken ‘Count Me In’ campaign, inviting colleagues in the colleague health with a focus on practices such visible advocates for the DEI agendas, shaping languages, to their name badges. This helps to UK and US to review and share their personal as workload management, fostering autonomy priorities and delivering against these. create a safe space for our trans, non-binary and details in our HR systems, in line with local privacy and enabling growth. LGBT+ colleagues, and promotes inclusivity of We also hosted the second annual Inclusion laws. Maintaining up to date personal data We also made enhancements to our provision of diverse nationalities, abilities and backgrounds. Summit, a virtual two-day event to engage and records also helps us to develop and update workplace adjustments for colleagues with We support the sharing of pronouns as a mobilise senior leaders in respect of the DEI programmes, practices and policies to best disabilities and health conditions, to drive personal choice. strategy. The event, consisting of a series of support colleagues at every level. consistency in how we support our colleagues speaker events and focused discussions, Wellbeing and policies In late summer, we began producing an globally. Colleagues now have greater control reached over 1,000 Barclays leaders and ERG enhanced monthly management pack for senior Prioritising the wellbeing of our colleagues is over their own individual requirements and an representatives from across the organisation. It leaders, containing a detailed breakdown of their central to creating productive teams where all improved experience through the was met with positive feedback from team's progress against our Race at Work and individuals feel valued and included. Our holistic implementation of a new self-service process for participants, with 71% agreeing or strongly gender ambitions. and inclusive perspective requires us to measure the ordering of equipment for office and home agreeing that Barclays has made meaningful wellbeing, using our Wellbeing Index and to working use, as required. progress on inclusion since the 2021 Summit. educate and empower our colleagues and We regularly revisit our people policies to ensure Every colleague continues to have a mandatory leaders to actively manage their health and they are in line with our broader DEI and people inclusion performance objective against which support that of others. We continue to deploy strategy. This includes making updates to our HR they are assessed as part of their performance training, which recognises the importance of policies, processes and support materials on a review. The objective encourages inclusive and mental wellbeing and building a supportive and Note range of topics such as flexible working and supportive behaviours that recognise every Under the Companies Act 2006 (the 'Companies Act'), Barclays is inclusive culture. We have also partnered with our workplace support for menopause. required to report on the gender breakdown of our employees, ‘senior individual’s background as key drivers of our DEI ERGs and leaders on global campaigns to managers’, and the Board of Barclays PLC's Directors. The Group’s global To learn more about the policies reviewed in 2022, please Purpose, Values and Mindset. workforce was 92,898 (50,967 male, 41,720 female, 211 unavailable), with normalise conversations about mental health + visit the Our Policies section. 432 senior managers (329 male, 103 female), and the Board of Barclays and wellbeing topics. In the UK, Barclays PLC had 13 directors (8 male, 5 female) as at 31 December 2022. This is on a headcount basis, including colleagues on long-term leave. pioneered ‘This is Me’, now in its ninth year, Unavailable refers to colleagues who do not record their gender in our where individual colleagues talk openly about the systems. The ‘male’ and ‘female’ gender splits disclosed in this paragraph are based on Companies Act disclosure requirements and numbers are challenges they have faced, with the aim of taken from our employee records which are maintained pursuant to tackling the stigma associated with mental ill applicable rules and regulations on employee record keeping. For further information on the Group’s approach to building a more inclusive health. company, please see our DEI website - at our-strategy/diversity-and-inclusion/. ‘Senior managers’ is defined by the Companies Act, and is different to both our Senior Managers under the FCA and PRA Senior Managers regime, and our Director and Managing Director corporate grades. It includes Barclays PLC Group Executive Committee members, their direct reports and directors on the boards of undertakings of the Group, but excludes Directors on the Board of Barclays PLC. Where such persons hold multiple directorships across the Group they are only counted once. The definition of 'senior managers' within this disclosure has a narrower scope than the Managing Director and Director female representation data provided above.

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