Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 382 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Income statement commentary a 2022 compared to 2021 Barclays delivered a profit before tax of £7,012m (2021: £8,194m), RoTE of 10.4% (2021: 13.1%) and earnings per share (EPS) of 30.8p (2021: 36.5p). The Group has a diverse income profile across businesses and geographies including a significant presence in the US. The 10% appreciation of average USD against GBP positively impacted income and profits and adversely impacted credit impairment charges and total operating expenses. Group income increased to £24,956m (2021: £21,940m). Excluding the income benefit of £292m relating to hedging arrangements to manage the risks of the rescission offer in relation to the Over-issuance of Securities, total Group income was £24,664m, up 12% year- on-year. Group operating expenses increased to £16,730m (2021: £14,659m) mainly due to higher litigation and conduct charges: Group operating expenses excluding litigation and conduct charges increased 6% to £15,133m, reflecting the impact of inflation and the appreciation of average USD against GBP. Litigation and conduct charges were £1,597m (2021: £397m) including £966m from the Over-issuance of Securities. Credit impairment charges were £1,220m (2021: £653m net release). The increase in charges reflect macroeconomic deterioration and a gradual increase in delinquencies, partially offset by the utilisation of macroeconomic uncertainty post-model adjustments (PMAs) and the release of COVID-19 related adjustments informed by refreshed scenarios. Total coverage ratio decreased to 1.4% (December 2021: 1.6%) driven by changes in portfolio mix and write-offs. Coverage levels remain strong. The effective tax rate (ETR) was 14.8% (2021: 13.9%). The tax charge included a £346m re-measurement of the Group’s UK deferred tax assets (DTAs) due to the enactment of legislation to reduce the UK banking surcharge rate. Excluding this DTAs downward re- measurement, the ETR was 9.9%, reflecting tax benefits in the current year, primarily arising from tax relief related to government bonds linked to the high prevailing rate of inflation in 2022, as well as beneficial adjustments in respect of prior years. Attributable profit was £5,023m (2021: £6,205m). Note a 2021 financial and capital metrics have been restated to reflect the impact of the Over-issuance of Securities. See impact of Over-issuance of Securities on page 356 and Restatement of financial statements (Note 1a) on page 428 for further details.

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